I love you

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Today is the day my family and dave family is all here in New York. So many emotions going on in my head but I'm just excited to get this out in the open so I can breath and not have to hide this anymore. There's been so many times when I was FaceTimeing my mom where I just wanted to scream I'm pregnant. But after today all this will end right now I'm running around like crazy making sure everything at the restaurant is in order nothing is outta play and making sure this video is edited correctly with the right music and everything making sure everyone shows up on time not late because I will be pissed off if there asses is late. I made sure me dave and Kai got our outfits together and yeah.

"Babe you got the laptop and everything together right" I asked walking in the room

"Yes baby I got now get shower and everything while I go get Kai ready we don't wanna be late to our own event" He said I just nodded heading into the bathroom takings a hot shower. Once I got out I did my hair and make up then got dressed looking at the time seeing we had and hour before everything starts. I told Dave i was ready to go we got in the car driving to our destination once we got there everyone was there eating and drinking. I greeted almost everyone having a great time but I was still nervous as fuck

*an hour later*

My heart is in my ass it was time to tell them I went on the lil stage grabbing the mic

"Hi guys so me and Dave just wanted to say thank yall so much for coming out tonight. Thank you to my family and friends getting on a plane just to be here tonight I love yall we love yall and we have a surprise for you guys. So if yall can look at the big screen and we'll get started" I say as the video started to play I'm already crying. Video started off a little time line of me and Dave then it goes into the day I found I was pregnant. I could tell my parents was crying there baby not a baby anymore as the video comes to an end it was the gender reveal at the end

"Hi baby so today me,daddy and sissy get to find out what you are. Just know what every you are we gonna love you we only care about a happy healthy baby" I say

"Hi baby what every you are I love you and gonna give you everything in the world. Me and momma made a bet on what you are gonn be but that doesn't matter I'm team happy and healthy hopefully you have your mommy beautiful eyes" He says kissing me i asked him was he ready he nodded

"On 3 we gonna pop this big ass balloon Alright 3....2....1.... ITS A GIRL.....
Baby Girl your so loved already and we can't wait to meet you daddy over there crying. Well see you soon baby girl" the video ended everyone was screaming and saying congratulations my mom was a full blown mess

"Yall just don't understand how hard it was not to tell yall Claudia already knew I'm surprised she didn't say anything" I say. As the night was comin to an end everyone was going back to there homes for the night Kai was going with my parents since she barely get to see them me and Dave decided we was gonna take a walk through Central Park i haven't been through here since I was on tour. It smells the same even looks the same

"You know the last time I was here I was on tour. Me and finneas just randomly took a walk and we ended up here we had just gotten off a flight from I think Paris or something  we came here just to think get away from everything for a while and I was in a very bad mental state at the time and I wrote I LOVE YOU when we got back to LA we finished writing i love you in my bedroom at my parents house that song means so much to me and finneas cause it about us and how we feel sometimes when we have to leave our loved ones back home to go on tour for 3 months straight with a just a little break in-between. I used to have Zoe or Drew on tour with me and  finneas would fly Claudia out to where we were because it was the only way to keep us from mentally going crazy even though I personally had my mental battles going on even with my friends being there but at least it helped a little. So central park hold a lot of emotions and memories some good some bad but it I'm glad to be here today happy and pregnant with someone else I love" I say back then if you would had told little baby billie or even burlin billie that she would be here today  with grammys, sold our arena tours, performing at cochella at 17 years old then again at 19 , have a shoe line or a perfume line  or  happy healthy in a better mental state . In a happy relationship having a baby she would though that you were crazy and just gave up on life all together because she didn't think she would had made it this far.

"Damn baby. I'm glad you didn't give up on yourself you have accomplished so many things since then because you believed in yourself. You might not have seen your full potential but obviously your friends and family did and so did your fans. Your fans are for real die hard about you and I learned that the hard way. Now that you have done all that you can relax and focus on just billie." He says as I looks around Central park I think this is what I needed to make me forget LA all together I wasn't healing

"I love you " I say

"I love your more baby" He says kissing me

I feel like I'm flooding yall with updated on this store but like...     let's keep it going xoxo

And yes imma update the other ones work with me now ppl

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