Always Be Kind

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"You remember everything I told you, correct?" Iðunn asked her daughter for the thousandth time.

Sigrid couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Yes, of course, Mom!"

"Hey, now," Iðunn's eyes flashed, "that's another thing. Don't be a smartass."

"I'll always keep my attitude in check, I swear." Sigrid smiled to ease her mother's mind, but it wasn't working.

Iðunn pulled her in for another embrace and squeezed tight, "I'm going to miss you..."

Sig's heart broke, "I'll miss you too, Mother. I will always return. And y'know you can come to visit me."

"I like the sound of you returning to me." Iðunn released her and looked her right in the eyes, "Do you have everything? Your gear? Your clothes? You will need to bring every outfit for every occasion, you know. Casual, dinner party, hot days, cold days-"

"Mom, there are no cold days in Asgard," Sigrid interrupted, "and yes, I've packed for every occasion. Even that dress you made me for special occasions."

Her mother gasped, "The blue one with gold trim?"

"Yes, that one!" Sigrid nodded.

Iðunn looked excited, "Oh, my daughter will be the prettiest girl there!"

"I think you mean woman," a disembodied voice said.

Iðunn and Sig looked over to see Brünhild approach them. They were both very happy to see her. "Don't let anyone take advantage of you, Sig."

"Oh, yeah!" Iðunn was reminded, "Who knows what those creeps could do to you!"

Brünhild laughed, "I'm more worried about them!" She slapped Sigrid across the arm playfully. "My girl could kill an ant from 100 kilometers!"

This made Iðunn finally laugh since she's been back from her talk with Odin. Brünhild always knew how to make her feel better. But at that moment, a raven dark as night flew above them and landed on a nearby apple tree branch. It set there waiting patiently.

Everyone's smile fell. It was time to say goodbye.

Brünhild was the first to speak. She kneeled in front of Sigrid so they were at eye level. "It was an honor to train you, little sister."

Sig was going to get emotional now. She gave Brünhild a big hug and said, "Thank you for everything you taught me, Brün!"

"Thank you, my dear. For taking my advice and counsel." Brünhild said, choking up.

Sigrid let go of Brünhild and walked over to her mother, tears welling in her green eyes. They said no words, for they've already been said. Iðunn simply held out her arms to her, and she rushed into them. One last hug.

Iðunn spoke softly into her ears, "You will always be my daughter. Always remember that. Don't let anyone tell you who you are or that you don't belong. Only you can decide who you are."

Sigrid took her words to heart and made sure to remember everything. She let go of her mother and walked away. Come along now, my lady, Huginn told her.

Sigrid walked over to Huginn and said to him, "I'm ready." And with that, the bird flew in circles around her, multiplying into hundreds, completely enveloping her to where she could only see glowing yellow eyes and pitch-black darkness.

When the ravens finally disappeared and her eyes adjusted, she saw that she was in the middle of a city. There were tiny huts and houses all around her. Nothing she'd ever seen before. The huts were worn down and old from the looks of it. The cobblestone streets were overgrown with grass, the sandy pathways blowing in every direction, and there were strange pale blue soldiers infecting the provinces.

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