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I placed tender kisses onto his face. He had me seated comfortably in his lap, tapping along his computer keys. "Takumi," I'd whisper as I nuzzled into his neck. I could never get tired of this old routine. I loved being close to him, enjoying the smell of his hair, the scent of the cigarettes he'd smoke, and the rasp of his voice. I loved to love him.

"What do you want now?" he asked, leaning into my touch. "I want you to teach me how to play the bass one of these days." He didn't seem surprised. "Ask Ren, he's the better guitarist," he said, wrapping his long arms around my waist and placing feather-light kisses along the trail of my neck. "But you're my boyfriend," I rolled my eyes. "Could you not be a brat right now? I'll teach you one of these days when I have time," he replied. I looked at him with a pout. "Promise?" I asked, and he sighed. "Yeah, whatever makes you sleep, princess," he kissed my head, then relaxed into his chair, eyes closed shut, arms still locked around me.

The media didn't know about what was going on between us, and we preferred to keep it that way. If the media knew about this secret relationship between us, we would never hear the end of it - "Lead bass player of the famous band group Trap-nest, Takumi, and his lover seen walking out of the concert, etc."

"Takumi, do you ever plan to tell anyone about us?" This made him open his eyes. "That's a stupid question, of course not. That would be risky for the band," he replied. I looked at him and couldn't help but think he was ashamed of me. I didn't feel pretty like an angel with an angelic melody for a voice like Reira. "I know... I was just wondering," I said as he took me off his lap, "you better stop if you want what we got to last," he said, getting up and fixing his shirt. I looked at him from below because I was never on his level.

"I'll quiet down if that's what you want... please just don't leave me," I started tearing up. I can't imagine leaving a life without seeing him. I know I'm not picture-perfect, nor am I the only one out there for him, but I'm probably the only one who actually cares about him.

"Good girl... want something? I'm going somewhere with Ren. Want me to bring back something for you?" he asked, kneeling, wiping my tears with his thumb, and kissing my cheek. "I want... I want a pretty ring," I looked at him. "Is that what you want?" he said in disbelief towards my request, then he smiled when he learned I meant my words. "Hm, I'll give you what you want, princess. Don't worry about it," he kissed my head, "I'll be back soon, okay?" With that, he left me in the penthouse, nothing but me and my thoughts alone together.

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