The Night

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Minutes after Becca had left the apartment, a familiar black smoke came out again from the painting. The smoke formed into a lady-like shape. As her transparent feet touched the floor, she stretched out her neck, as if she was feeling sore. "Silly girl," she chuckled when she saw the closed bathroom door, reminded by Becca's confused face earlier.

"Let's see what she got here.." The lady said when she wandered around the bedroom. She realized that her old furniture had been moving out and replaced by Becca's new ones. She passed the hard concrete wall easily to go to another room in the apartment. "Well, at least she got a nice taste," she nodded smugly and looked out the window. Today was sunny, the sunlight passed through the window, blinding everyone who saw it directly.

However, the sun could not blinded the lady, since the light passed her transparent body. A tear left her eyes while she was looking to the view outside.

"How are you, Song?"


On the way to the campus, Becca had her eyes fixated to her left car window. Her eyes were empty, as if she was in deep thought. Indeed, she was in deep thought. As much as she wanted to shrug the thing off of her mind, she just could not. Whenever she tried to think positively, she just failed. Moreover, this morning's occurrence added to her confusion. How could an opened bathroom door become closed without she knowing?

Becca's deep thoughts did not stop until she was on her campus. Even though the canteen was full of students eating their lunch, she still could not get the answer of her question. Becca's unusual attitude was noticed by Nam, her best friend. She just talked non-stop and slowly realized that Becca only responded with a simple nod or answer like "Oh,". This definitely irritated Nam because she made her feel ignored.


"Ow, it hurts! Nam!" Becca was rubbing her red cheek which was recently pinched by Nam.

"You owe me that, since you did not even listen to my story!" Nam said while pouting.

Becca sighed, "Okay, sorry. I am just.. just forget it" she said.

Nam shook Becca's body frantically, "Tell me!" she said while giving Becca her coldest glare.

"Fine!" Becca facepalmed herself, "I told you right that I've moved into my first apartment?" she asked Nam.

Nam only nodded, giving Becca's time to continue her story. "Yesterday, I moved there and I experienced something strange.." she explained.

"Is it your first time hearing people making love?" Nam asked, and made Becca smack her head for it.

"Silly, not that!" Becca rolled her eyes, making Nam laugh.

"So, what happened then?" Nam asked again, this time her face showed seriousness.

"I think.. there is a ghost inside my apartment.." Becca said softly.


"Huh?" Nam was frowning after hearing Becca's answer.

"You don't hear me? There's a ghost in my apartment," Becca said again, louder this time.

"..." Nam was still dumbfounded by Becca's answer.

"..." Becca blinking her eyes several time, confused by Nam's silence.

"Hahahahahahahhahahahaha!" Nam was laughing her heart out seconds later, earning the confused gaze from the people that sit around their table.

Becca stepped onto Nam's foot to stop her from her uncontrollable laugh, "I am fucking serious, Nam!" she said once again, face was as red as tomato.

"I knew it! I knew that someday you would say that to me," Nam said while hardly breathing. "It's 2023, Becca. There's no such thing called a ghost, unless you live in 1979" she said while still laughing.

"So? You said that I am delusional about it?" Becca asked Nam.

"Of course you are, Bec" Nam confidently exclaimed, "If ghosts really exist, they might be scared of me~" she said proudly.

Becca clicked her tongue, "Wait until you experience it yourself," she said angrily.

"Bring them to me, then!" Nam said.

Maybe.. Nam is right.. Becca shrugged her shoulder then took her first bite of her sandwich. Now, she could finally stopped her weird thinking about what happened in the morning.



A 28 year old woman, Song, was sitting inside a white spacious cubicle with one single bed in the middle. There was laying Freen, her girlfriend. Freen had stayed in a coma state for three years and had not been waking up ever since. 

"Don't you feel tired from sleeping for years?" Song smiled sadly, rubbing Freen's pale palm with her thumb softly. "Are you sure you want to skip christmas again this year?" she asked, realizing that their last christmas together was three years ago.

"We need to go now, the meeting will start at 14.00" Saint came into the room abruptly, without knocking on the door first. He then saw Song rubbing her eyes quickly, trying her best to hide her tears away from him.

"It's useless," Saint said, sighing deeply.

Song turned her head to Saint, "What do you mean?" Song asked Saint.

Saint put his hands on Song shoulders, "She would not wake up anymore, just accept the fact, Song" he said.

Song shook her head, looking back to Freen on the bed. "I don't know why.. but I do believe she would wake up again," she ended her words with a soft smile.

Saint gritted his teeth, controlling his anger. "Just remember our first plan, Song" he said simply, his hands no longer stayed on Song's shoulder. "Let's go now or we'll be late for the meeting"

Song's smile gone, replaced by sad smile. She stood up and moved closer to Freen's bed, hands rubbing Freen's cheek. "You heard what he said, right?" She said sadly, "My time is almost up.. so, please, wake up" she said as she bowed down to Freen's face, kissing her forehead.


"Do you like it?" Becca's father was holding his smartphone. He was videocalling his only daughter from another country.

"So-so," Becca answered tiredly. She was just arrived from her university. She had no energy left to keep her smile on her face.

"Glad that you like it," her father smiled. "Anyway, how's campus? You looked pretty exhausted today," he asked after he saw Becca's tired face.

Becca nodded, "many projects to be done, but I am fine. Don't worry about me," she answered. "It's 23.00 here now, I need to sleep" she yawned.

"Alright, sleep well honey. Call me if you need anything, okay? I love you" he said while hanging up the call.

"Jeez, I am not even answered your 'love you' yet, Sir" Becca rolled her body on her bed, placing her phone on her bed side table. She then reached her hand out to her bed lamp and turned it off. Her eyes slowly closed down due to her sleepiness. Before her eyes closed completely, she saw black smokes covering her view. The smoke slowly went closer and closer to her face. It gradually changed into a familiar face once it just inches away from her face.

Seeing someone is in her room, Becca tried her best to fight her sleepiness and opened her eyes wide. There, she saw the vivid face of the woman of the painting on her bedroom wall. Seeing the woman in front of her also widen her eyes, both Becca and the woman unconciously let out their loudest scream ever.



To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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