Chapter 6: Old Rivals

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Alex pulled the mask over her face, trying to block out the foul odor. Silently she walked ahead checking the tunnel for any signs of movement. Her light bounced from wall to wall, shaking as she tried to balance the crossbow on her lap. She took one last clean breath before slipping the mask back into her pocket. She looked back up the shaft she had come down and signaled Nathan. He nodded and said something to Randy before clipping the line to his harness.

            Nathan gave Randy a thumbs up and adjusted his weight to his feet. He pushed back on the edge of the shaft as Randy began to lower himself down. Pain shot through his back as he took on both their weight. Nathan’s muscles tensed as he let the rope slide through his fingers, sending a burning sensation up his arms. He slid his foot into a new position and felt his leg give out. The change in support threw him forward toward the opening of the shaft.

            He caught the edges of the shaft and felt the metal digging in his palms. He locked his knees and pushed up with all he could. The line flew through the clip on his harness, running dangerously close to the end. He took a deep breath and leaned back using his back muscles to keep him from being thrown down the shaft. He let go of the sides and caught the rope. Nathan tightened his grip and stopped Randy from his free fall.

            Alex looked up the shaft and saw Randy ten feet from the bottom. The rope was caught on the side of the shaft. “Cut the line!” She called up to them. Randy looked down at her, fear written across his face. “It’s only ten feet, you’ll be fine.”

            Randy looked up at Nathan and saw the pain in his eyes. He shook his head and slowly pulled on the line. Nathan didn’t let go, he held on as if it was the last thing keeping him from falling. He kept shaking his head, but at the same time his arms felt like they were on fire. Nathan refused to let go. Randy gave him one last glance before flipping out his blade. Swiftly and in one strike he cut the rope holding him. Immediately he began to fall through the remainder of the shaft. Randy collapsed as he made contact with the hard floor of the sewer. He rolled away from the opening of the shaft’s bottom and sprang back up anticipating an attack. It never came. Randy loosened up his muscles and nodded at Alex.

Nathan was thrown backwards from the change in weight, landing roughly in the pavement. More pain shot up his spine, but he rolled to the balls of his feet, completely alert. He leaned backward, trying to relieve some of the tension by popping his back. It helped, but the small relief did no good for all the other aches. He stared down blankly at his bloody hands. He didn’t feel the pain from the deep gashes, but he knew he would later.

            Randy looked back up the shaft, rubbing his lower back. “Do you think something happened? He looked like he was in a lot of pain before I cut the rope.” He seemed nervous and worried as he looked from the shaft to Alex. He expected Nathan to drop down the shaft completely unharmed and ready to lead them. He had only known Nathan for two days but it felt like they were brothers.

            “I’m sure he is fine; believe me he has been through worse.” Alex said exchanging a questionable glance.

            “Haven’t we all.” Suddenly there was movement at the top of the shaft, catching Randy’s attention.

            “Um, Guys. We may have a slight problem.” Nathan yelled in a hoarse voice.

            Alex walked over next to Randy and looked up at where Nathan was leaning over the shaft. “What is it Nate?”

            “Well, one the rope is cut, and two I’m not going to be able to do much climbing.” He pulled his hands out from behind his back, showing his bloody palms. “It doesn’t really hurt much, but I don’t think I can keep saying that for too long.”

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