Chapter 2 (the meeting building)

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Raven's pov

As we are walking towards the entrance, knights in front of us stop us and block our way.

"Sorry miss, but this place is off limits, so please go back" one of them who seems to be the leader said, while he didn't look directly at me or my companions.

I ignored him, moved a little sideways and tried to walk towards the door again.

He frowned. "I told you, this place is off limits!!" The same knight said almost yelling as he stood in front of me again.

I noticed, that he was going to try to grab my hand, but before I could even try to dodge, Layla stepped in front of me and said annoyed, in a loud voice, also almost yelling. "How dare you say that!!!" And then she took out her sword.

The knights saw what she did and took out their swords as well. Sarah was about to do so as well, when I sighed...

Everyone looked at me.

Then as I slightly shook my head, I made my horns appear...

I looked at both of my companions, "I am sure you are aware, that we are here for official business, NOT fighting

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I looked at both of my companions, "I am sure you are aware, that we are here for official business, NOT fighting." I said in a stern voice, looking at both of them.

"We apologize" the girls said lowering their heads in submission.

This time when we try to walk towards the entrance, the knights don't stop us, so we walk inside.

The interior of the inside isn't too great. It's because the king knows, that Karvilour has a lot of treasure as well as a lot of all kinds of natural gem caves. And because the king is really greedy, the dragon kingdom built the meeting building and then he tried to deceive me into decorating the place with a lot of gold and gems all by ourselves, while he didn't want to spend a penny for this project, so I declined.

That is why everything is quite empty and most of the rooms and guest rooms are empty. There are only a few rooms I decorated and everyone is forbidden to go to these rooms.

The only exceptions for this rule are me,  the people that accompany me and the people I personally accept to live here and use everything at their disposal. Everyone I accept has a little card, that is one of a kind, so they have to be careful to not lose it. Which shows that I gave them my permission. As well as there are maids that have been assigned to the job of taking care of the building.

The sound of my heals could be heard all throughout the hallway when we get closer to the two big doors of the meeting room, the two maids that have been standing beside them, bowed their heads in respect and opened the door for us.


I just wanted to say that the chapters are really short, compared to other's work, but I am trying. I also wanted to say, that I am trying to create a map, so that everyone could know where everything is, if it will be a success, of course. I will post it whenever I am able to finish. Really hope that will happen.

Have a nice morning/day/evening or night even.
Till next time

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