- Urgent Mission -

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Another day in the spiderverse, the Arachkids just finished an easy and quick mission togheter, it was only mid day so Miles had an idea.

- Guys, I have an idea, it's only mid-day, so how about we stay over at someone's house! - Said Miles sounding excited.

- Yeah! We can stay at my house, I'll make us some chai. - Said Pavitr liking Miles's idea.

The Arachkids agreed to go to Pavitr's house, so they went as they said. Pavitr prepared some chai for all of them and they were all talking in Pavitr's room.

- What if we play truth or dare? - Said Gwen with a smile after taking a sip of her cup of chai.

- Oohh, yeah! I'll start! - Said Pavitr being excited as he put his cup of chai on the floor.

- Hobie, truth or dare! - Said Pavitr while Gwen and Miles looked at Hobie.

Give me.. Truth. - Said Hobie nodding as he looked at Pavitr.

- Am I pretty? - Said Pavitr with a playful wink

- I'd say you're almost as handsome as me, Pav. - Said Hobie as he grinned, they all laughed and then they kept playing.

( 1 HOUR LATER, 13:45 )

The Arachkids kept playing and talking, suddently, they all recieved a message from their watch.. It was from Miguel. The message said: "Come quickly to the earth /////, we have a fight with a strong villain."  When they read the message, they inmediately put their costumes and mask on and togheter they went to the earth and location that Miguel said.

'Am I still pretty?' - × PLATONIC CHAIPUNK × Where stories live. Discover now