Chapter four

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"Ryder! Let's go!" Steven's voice cuts through my bedroom wall through his room, I groan at his impatience and shuffled through my clothes for something decent.

I don't really care what I wear with my friends. Once I wore my penguin pajama bottoms, and none of them said anything about it. But I at least want to wear something decent to the bar.

I pulled out a gray tank top with writing across the chest saying Avada Kedavra - Lord Voldemort (I got it when I got the red converse), I grabbed some plain gray sweatpants and put my clothes on.

"Ryder, I will leave you if you don't hurry the fuck up!"

"STEVEN!" My mom yelled through the house, her voice ringing all the way upstairs.

"Ha, you're in trouble." I chuckled, stepping out of my room with my phone in hand. Steven glared at me and we walked out of the house, but when we got outside our car wasn't there. "Uh..."

"Where the fuck is our car?!" Steven shrieked, walking over to the patch of cement he parked it last night, he touched the air as if it would just appear. But it wasn't there.

"Hey kiddos," our dad's voice sounded from the garage as he walked out, Steven looked at him scared. "Where's our car?" He asked, probably more to himself than anyone, but dad chuckled.

"I was just messing with it in the garage, calm down. Well, have fun boys." He winked at us, and ascended the porch steps and closed the door when he was inside. Steven walked over to the garage, me behind him and took a peek at our car. What?!

All of the paint was off, and replaced with red. The tires were completely different, and the windows were darkened. Did he tint them?!

Steven smiled brightly, walking over to the drivers side and looking into the window, his hands cupped over his eyes as he peered inside. "I can barely see anything," he whispered, I didn't respond. I was inspecting the new tires, the treading was way better than our old ones. I felt a vibration in my pocket, and it took all of my power to pull my attention from the tires to whoever texted me.

When I pulled out my phone a text from Liam immediately showed up on my screen:

Dumbass - 2:47pm
Yo! We are all here already, where are you??

I swiped the message to the right, put in my password quickly, and typed in a quick reply.

Me - 2:50pm
Leaving now, hold on!

"Hey," I spoke to Steven, putting my phone in my pocket I walked to the front of the car again and looked at Steven, who seemed to be smelling the tires. "What are you doing...?" Steven immediately straightened up, eyes wide. "Whatever, we need to go. They are already there," I told him, he nodded and got into the driver's seat.

I clambered into the passengers seat, putting my seatbelt on as he drove out of the driveway quickly so we wouldn't be any later than we were already.

When we got there - which only took a few minutes - we walked into the bar, which was painted a reddish brown color, and the tables looked sticky with spilled alcohol. Great. I searched the bar for our friends, and it didn't take long since they were sat around a giant table in the back of the building.

Me and Steven made our way toward the table, I had to suck in my stomach to squeeze in-between tables, and I was in the clear. "Hey!" Jimmy chanted, clapping my brother on the back. Steven took the seat next to his best friend and Henry, who wasn't paying much attention it seemed because he had that dazed, far-away look flickering in his eyes.

I glanced around the table and my stomach dropped suddenly, I caught the eye of the familiar curly haired boy. "Oh," I muttered aloud, Steven gave me a confused look and I sucked in a breath. I didn't mean to say that out loud, dammit.

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