Chapter 3

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As the days grew longer Katherine's dresses got tighter. Her normal red and white dress clung to her stomach so much that you could now see every curve of her three month pregnant belly. Her usually flat stomach stuck unnaturally far out from her hips. Of course no one commented on her growing stomach except for her father, she had told him the very next day after telling Jack and the conversation went something like this:

"Dad, I'm pregnant."


"Of course! Who else would it be?"

"I was just asking a clarifying question!"


There had been a little more disagreeing and a hint of anger but mostly Pulitzer was cool with it. The only time he commented on her stomach was when Jack was around. Pulitzer loved to watch him squirm, Katherine would have to agree it was kind of hilarious watching him fidget in his seat. Her and Jack hardly talked about the baby, every time she would bring up the subject Jack would put up this wall she couldn't get through. She hoped this was a temporary thing, she really didn't want the baby to get here and still have Jack acting all distant.

She needed him.

It got so bad one morning, Katherine had thrown up, then did the dishes, then thrown up again. She had been feeling irritated on top of it because of an article that was due by the end of the day, so by the time Jack was just about to leave for work she was at her wits end.

"See ya Ace." He called and opened the door.

"Don't you dare leave!" Katherine snapped feeling all her sanity shoot out of her.

"Ace I gotta go ta work-"

"No you don't! You are gonna stay home and you are going to make your wife feel like a normal human being for once in your life!" She snapped feeling tears spring to her eyes. Jack had enough sense not to question her, he dropped his bag and came over to her.

"What's wrong?" He asked wrapping her in a hug.

"I-I can't d-do this! I'm sick of t-throwing up and being tired. I'm s-sick of you treating me like I'm an alien! I'm not an alien!" Her hormones had hit a new extreme.

"Of course ya not! I'm sorry Kath, I'se didn't mean-"

Katherine cut him off by shoving him away, she was so sick of his walls. She'd break through them with her teeth if she had to.

"Do you see this?!?" She asked wrapping her arms around her bulging stomach. "This is our child! Not a ticket for you to start ignoring me!"

"I didn't mean-"

"It's alive! It's real! I can feel it moving!" She shouted pressing her hands to her stomach.

"I know-"

"Feel her, she's moving! She doesn't like my shouting and I have a feeling she doesn't like you very much either!" She hissed. Jack put his hands in the air defensively.

"I don't know what you want-"

Katherine glared at him and grabbed his writs, she hastily pressed his hands against her stomach and looked him dead in the eye.

"See?" She said her voice cracking. "It's real... it's happening... can't you feel it?"

Katherine watched as Jack ground his teeth together and stared at his hands against her stomach. He was completely still, it was liked he'd turned to stone. In fact, he was so still she couldn't even see the rise and fall if his chest and she feared he had stopped breathing. In contrary Katherine was shaking like a leaf and her breath was coming out fast and short, she felt light headed. She could feel the baby squirming inside her, it was almost like it knew its mother was fighting with its father.

"I have to go." Jack said suddenly breaking out of his shell. Katherine's face fell and she felt her self esteem drop. Jacks face was expressionless as he pulled her into a hug and kissed her, she didn't bother to kiss him back. He pulled away and read her pained expression. He surprised her by bending down and placing a soft kiss to the top of her belly.

"I love you." He said straightening back up and looking Katherine dead in the eyes. He turned around and walked to the door with out another word. He glanced back at her before stepping outside their apartment and closed the door behind him. Katherine dropped her head and tried to fight back the tears in her eyes. She wasn't sure if what he'd done had been a good thing. What was she gonna do if Jack wouldn't support her? Who else would care enough to help her? Her own mother was dead, all her sibling had moved out of the state and her two best friends -Bill and Darcy- had family's of there own. Should she resort in asking her father for help? Should she pack up and leave for a few days and leave time for Jack too pull himself together? She sure as hell didn't want to feel that wall another time.

That's it! Katherine thought slamming her fist against the counter. I won't be ignored anymore, even my father would be better than Jacks silence.

With that thought she moved to her room to pack her bag.

AUTHORS NOTE: Ok, sorry I haven't updated ANYTHING in ages, I've been super busy!! Sorry! I'm not sure where this story is going so how about you tell me what you want to happen. I'll read what you guys think and take it into consideration. Your participation would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

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