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Francesca Davis was rude, bitchy, a slut, whiny, bossy, a know it all, and slept her way to her Formula one seat. At least that's what the world would tell you.

The people who know her would say she's incredibly caring, smart, involved, an amazing driver, and a bit crazy at times. A good crazy though, she would play the funniest pranks and talk your ears off. Yet that side of her she rarely showed to the outside.

"Dan I really don't want to go tonight," Francesca was getting ready for the annual FIA opening gala when she had a complete meltdown. Not wanting to be a bother she decided against calling one of her fellow drivers who were also getting ready or friends on the other side of the world. Naturally she called Daniel Ricciardo, he used to drive for Francesca her current team but after a few tough seasons with Renault and Mclaren unfortunately lost his seat.
Now he is a third driver for RedBull, Francesca her current team and a close friend of the 24 year old Brit.

"Frankie, I know that you're nervous but you'll be fine," The Australian man said over the phone as Francesca combed through her now curled hair. "Besides you kinda have to go." Francesca loudly groaned, "Why? Because I curled my hair already or because Christian would have my head if I don't?"

Daniel laughed, "Both but don't forget about some whiny english- and dutchman." This made her smile, "See, just do your make up, get in that beautiful dress and put on a smile."

Francesca once again groaned, "I'll go but I won't try with the sponsors." Daniel tried to say something but she cut him off, "Don't even try Danny, I know they all hate me. I've tried, believe me. It isn't as easy for me as it is for you, I'm not that likeable." Daniel never had any trouble with sponsors or anyone else for that matter. Everybody absolutely loved him, his smile, his laugh, and his personality. Even when he wasn't in the mood, back with Mclaren when Francesca knew he was struggling he managed to pretend. She would miss his smile in the paddock this year.

"Fran, you know you're amazing right?" Daniel tried to get the young girl out of her head, "just be yourself tonight. You do that with us and we all love you?"

"But Dan-" she started, "No buts Frankie, you are one of the funniest and most talkative people I know."

"And yet I can't seem to be like that with strangers or under pressure. Besides you know the issues I have with the media." Francesca started. You see, the main issue Francesca faced with the media, fans and sponsors was being a women. Formula one has always been a male dominated sport, the drivers, team bosses, mechanics and even fans are mostly male. Sure that's changing but the view on it has yet to.

Drivers like George, Lando, Max, Pierre and Charles had grown up racing Francesca and besides that had no issue with her being a women. However the media and fans did. It seemed to her like specifically the older, male viewers had a problem with a women racing at the top and the media only used this for clicks.

From questions about her capability to drive, to her love life and even her bloody nails. Francesca got completely different questions than other drivers got. It also wasn't helpful that Francesca being the feminist that she is always had to say something about it. She hated how she was being treated. When Alex made a mistake they would say that mistakes happen, when Francesca did it was because she was a women. When the team messed up Charles his strategy he had all the right to get angry but when Francesca did it was because of her hormones.

So when the girl who already had a hard time being herself and making friends under pressure had to deal with this type of hate and prejudice making sponsors and fans like her wasn't easy. "It's different for you Dan, everyone likes you. You wouldn't really get it."

Daniel laughed, "Oh I get it. Max was my teammate remember." Max also dealt with a lot of hate from the fans due to how the media portrayed him. Francesca found him hilarious and surprisingly sweet even though in shows like DTS and news papers they made him look evil. That's probably why the two got along so well, both deal with major backlash and pretended not to care what people thought. Maybe Max didn't really care or well learned to not care. Francesca still had to get there. "Oh yeah cause Max is a women."

"That's not what I-," Daniel started making Francesca laugh, "I know Dan, believe me I know." The older Australian smiled at his friend, who was still doing her make up. A good sign to him, "Speaking of Max, I just heard my hotel room door open so I'll bet you it's him"

"20 bucks that it's Carlos, wait no George. Never mind I say Carlos."

"Are you losing it Frankie cause I'm here for some moral support," a voice with a thick accent said. Francesca always loved an accent, sure she had a british one herself but that's not noticeable to her. The accents most drivers had were amazing and a dead giveaway in moments like these. "Hah, you owe me 20 bucks Dan!"

Max entered the girls bathroom knowing she was either crying or still doing her make up. "Danny is here?" he excitedly asked but soon saw his current teammate was on a facetime call with his old teammate. "Yeah she could use some mental support mate."

author speaking!
first chapter of play pretend is out, hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it! i know it's pretty short but i thought it was important you got to know frankie a bit. updates will be slow at first but get more frequent in a few months.

much love, lou 🫶🏼

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