Dating them includes

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-Worrying about your safety constantly

-Doesn't like unmated men near you

-Always asks you before he does stupid things


-Overprotective af

-Doesn't want you near Jake

-Teaches you how to do medicine and heal

-Always prepared for the worst

-She holds you to things such as promises 


-Takes you hunting

-Always side eyeing you and looking at you

-Helps you through depression or mental health

-Has insecurities

-Doesn't understand why you have them


-Shy at first but opens up to you

-Doesn't care about others when it comes to you

-Covers your eyes when she's killing people

-Doesn't care if you're boy or girl


-Romantic teaser

-Shows you off to Lo'ak and Kiri

-Doesn't like Lo'ak and you together for a long time

-Slightly seductive at times

-Brings you a flower every time he's away for too long


-He shows you off and makes sure everyone knows you're his

-Tsireya makes you necklaces for friendship

-He can read you like a book so don't bother with lying

-Not as romantic but can be slightly clingy

-Said no to cuddling but actually loves to cuddle


-Pranks are a thing with you both

-You have to keep him in line most of the time

-you get along with his family pretty well

-Kiri teases him until you stop her


-Aonung was suspicious but warmed up to you

-Hates when you're sad

-She often makes you jewelry

-Goes seashell collecting with you

-Can be quite sensitive

-Tonawari and Ronal often embarass her infront of you

-Not really a cuddler but will cuddle you at random times



-She has standards and not much

-She honestly just wants to talk to you instead of going on adventures

-Little spoon sometimes

-Goes swinging through the trees with you/swims with you

-Tuk makes you crowns



-Often worries about you when you're away

-Trusts you but can get jealous

-Often softie but can be scary when he wants

-He doesn't like when Aonung gets to be alone with you

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