sans undertale finds love

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So the Roblox noob girl was walking through town one day when she saw Sans walking towards her with some candy in his hand. She smiled at him as he walked up to her. "Hey there," said Sans. "What are you doing?" The noob girl looked down shyly before saying something. The noob girl blushed slightly but then continued speaking. "Umm.. nothing really." she replied softly. Then suddenly, without warning, she threw herself into Sans' arms hugging him tightly. Her face buried against his chest as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm so happy!" she cried out happily. Sans held onto the sobbing girl gently stroking her hair until she calmed down enough to look up again. When she did, she noticed that Sans had tears streaming down his own cheeks too. He reached over and wiped them away with his thumb. "It's okay..." he whispered quietly. "The two stood silently for several moments just holding each other close together. Eventually, the noob girl pulled back from Sans and took a step forward reaching out to take his hands in hers. "Sans... do you want to be my boyfriend?" she asked looking deep into his eyes Sans could see the hope and longing in the noob girl's eyes and his heart ached at the thought of possibly dashing her hopes again. But he knew he had to be honest with her. "L-look, I.. I'm not the best at this stuff," he stuttered. The noob girl nodded understanding what he meant. "That doesn't matter" she assured him firmly squeezing his hands. "Just tell me if you're scared or anything else ok? Please don't hold back on telling me how you feel about me because of your past experiences." she begged earnestly. Okay..." Sans began slowly. "I've never been in love before. Not even with any of the girls I have dated." He paused waiting for her reaction. "But now I think I am beginning to fall in love with you." He told her. "I can't explain why but I know I am "Please forgive me if I hurt you" he said taking another step towards her. "If you still want to be my girlfriend after all this then we'll start dating right away." He promised solemnly. "Can you promise me that you won't run away anymore?""Promise me!" he pleaded urgently. "Promise me you'll stay by my side forever!" he insisted desperately as he looked at her pleadingly. "Please! Just promise me that!" He implored her. "I need you to make me happy! Promise me you'll stay by my side forever!"The noob girl smiled softly at him reassuringly. "Of course I promise" she whispered. "Forever and ever" she repeated solemnly. She leaned forward pressing her lips against his gently kissing him passionately. As their tongues danced together she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly pulling herself closer to him. "Sans was shocked but soon found himself responding eagerly kissing her back just as passionately. His tongue explored her mouth and he squeezed her ass gently. Their bodies pressed together feeling like they were made for each other. Sans felt his cock stiffen inside her as she wrapped her legs around him locking them together tightly. They kissed passionately as Sans ran his hand over her breasts feeling her hard nipples poking through her shirt. Her chest heaved as she moaned quietly in his ear. "I'm not sure where to begin...but I guess we could try something new" she whispered mischievously. "Do you want to kiss?" her eyes twinkling "Sure, let's give it a shot" she teased. "Let's see what happens" she laughed. "How about this? You sit on top of me and kiss me and rub your body up against mine." She continued. "Then I'll do the same to you. Sans nodded eagerly sitting down on the bed next to her. He pulled her close wrapping his hands around her waist while leaning forward pressing his lips against hers tenderly. As their tongues danced together he began rubbing his crotch against hers grinding his hips slowly. Sans sighed disappointedly breaking off from their passionate embrace. "Sorry babe," he apologized sheepishly. "It looks like I got carried away there for a minute. Do you mind if I take care of myself?" He asked hopefully hoping she wouldn't be mad at him for being too needy. "Sans sat down on the couch with his controller in one hand and his beer in the other. "What are you going to play first?" he asked looking over at her curiously. "Mario Kart or Smash Bros?" "Hey! I only know how to play Roblox!" she yelled angrily crossing her arms. "And don't call me a noob" she said defensively. "I've been playing since I was 6 years old!" she argued. "Besides, I can beat you any day of the week" she challenged. Sans smiled mischievously "Bet your bottom dollar I can beat you in anything you play" he teased winking at her. "But if you're serious about Roblox then we can play that first. But I'm warning you, I'll be competitive." he added with a crooked smile. Sans smirked as he picked up his controller again. "Alright, let's get started then" he challenged holding out his arm expectantly. "Ready go?" he called waiting for her response. "Go!" he shouted excitedly as soon as she hit start. but something seemed off.. the roblox noob girl got sad (L BOZO SKILL ISSUE) Sans watched helplessly as the roblox noob continued to spiral downwards into depression and self harm. His heart ached seeing someone so young suffer through such pain. The thought of losing them made him feel sick inside. What could he do? How could he help them? Sans stood frozen in place unable to move or speak. All he knew was that he needed to reach out and offer whatever comfort he could provide. Slowly, hesitantly, he reached out towards the roblox noob reaching out to touch their shoulder gently. " ok?.. As she heard her name she looked up at him surprised to see him still sitting there. " ok?.." he asked again. "Y-yeah..I'm fine" she stuttered nervously. "I-it's just..I'm not very good at Roblox..and it makes me feel like a loser.."Sans frowned deeply hearing what she had to say. He didn't want her feeling like that. "That's not true..." he began. "There are plenty of people who enjoy playing Roblox just as much as you do. You're amazing and beautiful and smart and talented.." he paused looking down at her Sans took a deep breath before continuing. "...And none of those things make you any less than perfect. In fact they make you even more special because they show how unique and wonderful you truly are." he finished giving her a gentle hug letting her know everything would be alright. The roblox noob smiled weakly, grateful for his kind words. Sans could tell that she still wasn't completely convinced but he knew that time and patience would help her overcome her insecurities. He was determined to stick by her side, to be there to offer her support and comfort whenever she needed it.

THE END 😱😱😱😱

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