Chapter 9

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When he kissed me, I felt as if nothing in the world could be better-which for me, was entirely true. Luke Hemmings, one of the most talented, handsome, and intelligent boys I have ever encountered, just kissed me. How many times does that happen in someone's lifetime? It is so rare.

His lips were so soft and wonderful. We had a special moment... As if there were some crazy spark going on between us. I had butterflies in my stomach at first, but then after a few seconds, it felt completely natural. The kiss lasted longer than expected, but I wanted it to last longer.

"Let's get going," he said as he tilted his head toward where the car was, giving a small smile.

"Ok," I replied.

As I turned toward the end of the pier, Luke turned the exact same time as me. We started walking across the old wooden flooring, step, by step, by step. After a moment, he gently touched my hand, and then held it.

Complete silence. It was like the romantic movies...but in real life. No acting. No faking. All real. Magical. Beautiful. Love.


We were heading back to the neighborhood and chose to take the highway to get home faster. Luke and I were ranting about curfews and how stupid they were. I never noticed his Australian accent. It was amazing and I, honestly, wished I had the same accent as him.

The speed limit was 55 and that was the speed Luke was going. As I looked into the mirrors however, I noticed a sports car that was going about 20 miles faster than the speed limit, right behind us. Before I could tell Luke to be careful of the other car...


All I could remember from that moment foreword, was flashing red lights and men and women- yelling, talking, even crying.


I sat up from a bed. It wasn't mine. I looked around, and I could tell where I was. The hospital. I could hear loud beeps coming from the machine next to me. When I looked down, I could see that my whole leg was bandaged. I tried to lift it, but it was impossible. I couldn't feel my leg...

"Jordan?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked over at the door, and saw my blue eyed, blonde haired date.

"Luke,"I started," What happened?"

I looked at him. He seemed to be fine from the crash, other than a few Bandaids on his arms and legs. He came over to me, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well,the car ran straight into mine. As it hit, it shifted toward the left, and rammed your side of the car."

He looked defeated when he tried to tell me something. I got nervous at the sight of this.

"Um... Jordan?" He asked.


"You had surgery done to your leg. The doctor might not be able again..."

"What..." I said stunned and in shock.

"I'm so sorry," Luke whispered. He leaned toward me and kissed my cheek.

Defeat. Again. I sat there,disgusted by the driver that ruined my life. I felt a small tear trickle down my cheek.

"No,no Jordan. It's going to be okay. Alright?" He wiped away the tear with his thumb. That's when I started to sob. It wasn't going to be okay. I have always been a dancer, always wanted to be a dancer, and all of that hard work just got poured down the drain.
What am I going to do with my life now?

Once I finally stopped crying, my mother came in the room.

"Oh my god!" She yelled and ran over to me. She gave me a hug, wrapping her hands around my head. I could tell she was currently crying.

"It's going to be okay mom..." I said, looking at Luke, since he was the one who told me that.


Two weeks later,I left the hospital. I had to use crutches, but I felt I didn't even need them.

As I arrived back to my bedroom, I heard a knock on the door.

"Jordan, Luke is here," my mother said.

I walked downstairs and he was on the couch.

"I have a proposal," he said," this may seem a little too quick in our relationship,assuming that's what we are, in a relationship, but I came to give you these."

He handed me a vase with red roses. Twenty roses to be precise.

"Once all of the flowers wilt, I will stop loving you. I know it seems bad, but please don't break up with me now... Just wait for the roses. Trust me." He explained. He walked out of the house, without even saying goodbye, or giving me a chance to speak.

I looked at the roses and was concerned.

Why would he stop loving me like that?


After three days, four out of the twenty roses had wilted. I was worried. I didn't want to lose Luke. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was so upset that our love was going to end so soon.

A week later, a total of nine roses had wilted. I was starting to become slightly angry at Luke for the awful way of saying when he will stop loving me.

After another week, there were only five roses left. I sat in my room and cried.

"Why does he want to stop loving me?" I sobbed.

A few days later, there were three roses left. Three roses until love ends. I thought there was something wrong with me because I wasn't sure why Luke would stop loving me.

Two days later, there was only one rose left. One. The horrific word named 'one'. It was a scar in my mind.

I walked over to the vase with one rose left. I didn't want to even look at it, but I would've had to anyways. I picked up the flower and stared at it. Something wasn't right.

It was fake. The rose will never wilt, and neither will Luke's love for me.


Hello beautiful people! I hope you liked the plot twist in this chapter. I am going to try and post very soon! Keep in touch!!!


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