Chapter 14

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I quickly grabbed my three inch knife out of my right boot, charging towards my kidnapper. I swung my arm back and jammed my knife into his skull. I yanked it out just as he collapsed on the ground, dead. I looked around at my surroundings. I had absolutely no idea where I was. I didn't have my backpack with me, no water, no food, no guns, no nothing. All I had were my two knives I had stashed in my boots. The thought of food and water made me realize how dry my mouth was. I walked deeper and deeper into the forest trying to find a way out, or better yet the prison. As I walked further into the forest, the dead grass crunching beneath my boots, I heard a snap of a branch. But this time it wasn't me. The loud moans of walkers filled the air. I quickly turned around to see ten walkers on my tail. I couldn't take them all out with my knives! I sprinted through the forest dodging branches and trees until I came to my only hope. Not too far off into the distance was a large tree house. A rope ladder hung beneath it. If I could get to the ladder before the walkers can get to me, i'll be safe for a little while, I hoped. I turned back to see the walkers gaining on me, and more had joined the dead group. Ignoring all the pain shooting through my body, I focused on all the years of track I had done through middle school and high school, and ran towards the tree house. When I reached the rope, I placed my knife in my mouth and climbed for my life. I felt walkers grabbing at my shoes, but all I could do was kick them. The walkers were attempting to climb the rope ladder, making it sway from side to side, only making the climb more difficult for me. I finally reached the top breathing heavily. I bent down and lifted the rope ladder from the ground, so that there was no chance a walker, an animal, or anyone for that matter could get up here. The tree house was much bigger than your average tree house you would have as a child growing up. This could fit a whole family. It was supported by two huge oaks with many thick branches, allowing the tree house a longer length. I entered the house cautiously, God knows what might be in here. I doubted any walkers would be up here, but you never know. I swung the wooden door open, and stepped inside, my heavy boots hitting the wooden floor. I stood in aww at the sight. There was a wooden table, chairs, windows, a TV, and food! The area I was standing in lead into more rooms. This honestly was an extraordinary tree house. "Is anyone here?" I called. "Yes." a deep voice said from behind me. The hair on the back of my neck shot up as I quickly turned around. A good looking muscular guy who looked about 20, with shaggy, dirty blonde hair, and dark brown eyes, stood before me. "What are you doing here?" He asked, eyeing my knife. "I was running from a group of walkers." I replied. He walked into a small kitchen, fetching me a glass of water. "So where's your group?" He questioned me. "They're back at our camp...I think. I was kidnapped by this man, he got bit, and then I was chased by walkers." I explained. He handed me the glass of water which I quickly chugged down. "Thank you." I quietly said. "Where's your group?" I asked. "Dead." He simply replied. "Well if you tell me were your group is, I can take you there." He told me. "I don't think that's a good idea, I'll leave in the morning." I said.

So this is definitely different from the plot in the series the walking dead, but I hope you all enjoy! Let me know what you think! Much love.

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