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Maelstrom stared in disbelief at the body before him. Beefrost was limp. He stopped struggling. Maelstrom still held the gray and white cat under the water, his breathing heavy. I just killed a cat! I'm no better than he is! Then, with a cry of terror, he leaped back and hid his face behind his soaked paw.

The paw he used to weaken Beefrost. The paw you used to kill him. "I'm so sorry..." He muttered out. But it was no use. Beefrost was dead. All the dreams he had received from the StarClan cats: the dream of Beefrost killing Birdstem and Riversky by the tiny tan and white queen, Jungletuft of HollowClan. And the dream of him killing Haypetal from the pretty pale red queen, Poppybreeze of NetherClan. And the death of Foxpaw, brought to him by the slim lynx point tom, Palebelly of MossClan.

All these Clan cats had come to him to stop this, but he didn't. He just sat and watched. What else could I do? He asked himself, his heart feeling hollow, all that was left was the bodies of Beefrost and Foxpaw. What would he tell Shadepaw and Thicketpaw? What would I tell Frostbite and their kits?

"Oh don't worry little ones, your father's only a deranged cat driven by jealousy!" He choked out, the words felt like thorns in his throat. What if I just didn't tell them? But he had to, he had to tell them the whole story. Maelstrom gave a heavy sigh, making his way through the water to get to his lifeless daughter.

"I'm so sorry." He mumbled softly into her damp fur, letting the last pieces of her scent bathe his tongue before the water washed it away forever. The moon tipped in the sky, threatening to break the night for dawn.

He grabbed the two bodies by their tails and hauled them over the ledge. It was a lot heavier than Maelstrom had thought, but he had to do this for Foxpaw. And for Beefrost, despite however little he deserved it. He tried to drag them softly, but the ground pushed their fur backwards, making them look as ragged as a kit pulled backward through a thorn bush.

When he reached the camp, cats were just starting to wake. Bumblestar was standing beside Tinyheart, giving him instructions and warnings for the patrol, her eyes landed on Maelstrom, and then what he was carrying, and broke off with a gasp of horror.

"What happened?" AlpClan cats and TrailClan cats crowded him, desperate to know what was going on. Maelstrom spotted Galepaw trying to peek through the legs of the warriors, but he quickly shielded the bodies with his own. You'll see them when they aren't so ragged. He promised the young queen silently.

"Maelstrom! What is this?" Bumblestar mewed, her eyes dark and her ears pinned flat to her head. "Get them ready for vigil." Maelstrom blinked, and seeing the fear in his leader's eyes made him cringe. Bumblestar called for Amberfish and then turned back to him. "Come to my den." She mewed, then led him into the tree, which had roots that were big enough to act as a roof.

"So tell me what happened." Bumblestar mewed, reasonably concerned that this loner had returned to camp with two bodies, one of his daughter, and one of her former apprentice. "Beefrost killed Haypetal." Maelstrom blurted, he had wished to break the news lightly, but he couldn't take it back now. Seeing the appalled look on Bumblestar's face made him continue.

"Beefrost killed Haypetal because he was mad at her. He killed Birdstem because he wanted to be deputy, and Riversky because he knew he would be your next choice. He killed an AlpClan queen, Sheepfur. And then killed Foxpaw, because he was jealous she wasn't his kit."

Maelstrom carried on, ignoring the pained look in Bumblestar's eye. "He tried to kill me, but it didn't work out, as you can see." He pointed with his tail to the clearing, where Amberfish and Larchgaze lapped at the two bodies, Whiskerstreak dappling their pelts with heather petals.

"How did you know all of this?" Bumblestar spoke at last, her hazel eyes gave away that she was still trying to wrap her head around the news. "Several StarClan cats came to me. At first, it was Aldercry, she told me to come to TrailClan after the storm and save her son." Hearing the name made Bumblestar lower her head.

I wouldn't blame you for being sad, this is a lot of stuff to take in. Maelstrom said silently, but he had to go on. "Aldercry told me he was on the path of darkness, and for a while, I couldn't see what she meant."

"Until..." Bumblestar started, and Maelstrom nodded slowly, she didn't have to finish.

"I've had countless warnings from StarClan, and managed to fail to save anyone, I am so sorry, Bumblestar." Dipping his head gratefully to his leader, Maelstrom gave her shoulder a respectful lick. "It's not your fault." She told him, her eyes glazed over with grief. "We'll sit with them tonight."

Maelstrom nodded, his tail resting uneasily over his paws. "I would like you to be my deputy as well." She added hastily, then stood, nudging past him to leave her den. "I will make the announcement in the morning." Then, with a final mew before exiting, she mewed. "You should see Waspwhisper about those wounds the moment the vigil is over."

Stunned but honored, Maelstrom followed her, his eyes stuck to the ground like a naughty apprentice being scolded. So this is it. Maelstrom thought, seeing the cats crowd around the two cats, who no longer looked like a ragged mess. This is the end. I've failed. Sorrow stung him more painful than any claws seeing his daughter sprinkled with purple petals.

She looked alive, as if she would wake up and be happy to see him. Maelstrom felt the pelts of Thicketpaw and Shadepaw beside him, they were shaking, and he lowered his head to purr to them. "I'm so sorry, my loves, but I promise, this will be the worst thing to ever happen to you."

And with those words, the elders hauled the pretty queen away, and they took Beefrost too, Maelstrom could see Scorchtail and Frostbite staring painfully. You have no idea how lucky we are that he's gone now. He wanted to tell them. But he knew better than to tarnish the memory of such a liked cat.

Goodbye Foxpaw. I hope you'll find Haypetal and you'll be together forever now, and I hope you will always be happy. Your life was taken way too soon. And I will try my hardest to make sure your littermates retire peacefully to the elders' den.

Goodbye Beefrost...

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