Familia and Status

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(First person POV: Eden)

What should have been a harmless remark, felt like a chilled threat as my eyes were quickly overwhelmed with the aura flowing out of the goddess. Unlike with Ganesha, who seemed to be experienced in restraining his aura, the goddess Infront of me did no such thing.

"A-Ah..." I said, feeling what I thought to be tears going down my eyes as I looked away toward Medea. "Master, your eyes!" I heard Medea say as she withdrew a purple handkerchief from her robe, before wiping the liquid off from my face. I looked at the hankerchief, seeing that the once purple cloth had turned magenta in the wet areas, indicating that my tears were instead blood.

"Hey hey! Are you okay!?" The goddess asked as she tugged my my torn shirt. "I'm sorry, goddess. My eyes appear to be extremely sensitive to man and divinity. I don't know if it's possible, but if you could please pull in your aura, that would be lovely," I told her, trying to be as respectful as possible with the being before me.

"YOU CAN SEE THAT!?" The goddess shouted with a somewhat panicked voice, before I felt the aura begin to be drawn in. "Crap! I didn't know there were people that could see divinity," she said before continuing. "You'll be fine now. Let me see your eyes. I complied reluctantly, still having that tinge of fear about seeing the divinity again, yet when I looked toward her, I was completely taken aback.

She wasn't normal at all. She was really short, with breasts that seemed like they'd destroy any normal woman's back. Her black her was tied into two pigtails with white and blue flower ornaments that went with the rest of her outfit. She wore a white dress that was relatively short on her thighs, paired with a blue lapel that seemed to defy gravity. Despite how intimidating the goddess's aura was, her actual tone of voice, and face seemed to be kind as she looked toward me, a look of concern plastered on her.

"Your eyes are bloodshot red. Here, both of you come inside, take a rest," she said, before grabbing both of our hands. "Admittedly, we came here for a reason, Goddess. I hope you don't mind us asking, but... Well, we are looking to join your familia, if you would be so kind as to have us."

Hestia didn't answer at first, choosing to set us down before telling us to, "hold on." She disappeared for a moment, before returning with a girl that looked to be no more the age of 16. Her hair was long, its pure white locks reaching down to the middle of her back as her innocent ruby eyes looked at his in curiosity. "Goddess, who are these two?" She asked. "Belle, these are gonna be your two new familia members," the goddess responded, seemingly holding back her excitement.

"What!? Really!?" She said, looking toward the both of us. "Of course! I can't wait for all the things we can talk about, and do!" I heard Medea say with an odd tone.

'Medea, I hope you're not planning on making that girl your model,' I told her through our telepathic link.

'Aww, you're ruining my fun, master!'

'If she consents, then you're free to do so. I don't want to see a repeat of Saber, and no lewd outfits either.' Something about the girl's aura gave off an Innocence that I would only ever associate with an angel.

We must've been silent for a bit too long, because a flash of panic appeared over the goddess's face. "You two still want to be a part of my familia, right?" She asked.

"Of course, sorry about that, I was just sort of taken aback by the similarities of my hair color to that girl's I said, before extending my hand forward. "I think it's about time we do proper introductions. My name is Eden Sheol, Prince of the Ice Forests, and this woman right here is my wife, Medea."

The goddess was the first to shake my hand, the other girl seeming oddly hesitant to do so. "Ouu, a prince! Y'know, all the powerful familias have elven royalty of some sort. I guess this is a sign!" She said before continuing. "My name is Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, and this adorable gal right here is Belle Cranel! She's my first Familia member."

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