Chapter 14 (spicy)

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It felt like days had passed, laying in his bed together. Something about it felt so right, other parts of it felt very wrong.

I must have drifted asleep, because all I remember was my body jolting awake when Mattheo moved too quickly.

"I didn't meant to wake you, sorry" he whispered.

I looked around the room, the sun was no longer out, everything was dark and quite. I jumped up.

"what time is it?!" I questioned, nervous that our friends would notice we both went missing for an entire day.

"Its late, let me walk you back to your dorm." He sighed getting up.

A big part of me didn't want to leave, it felt too good to be held like that.

"Oh, if you insist" I said hesitantly, trying to maybe throw a hint at him that I would stay.

Why the fuck did I want to stay.

"Get up, malfoy. Don't make your self too comfortable here." His whole mood changed. He wasn't the same sad boy he just was. He was turning cold again.

"Wouldn't imagine it riddle." I replied back to him. From the very beginning, I swore to play the same game he was. After all, I truly didn't even know how I felt about all of this. Perhaps I was just being a good friend, a shoulder to cry on. Thats what friends do.


We started our walk to my dorm. Silently. Almost, awkwardly.

I wanted to break the silence, I just didn't know how.

"Why don't you go back to your dorm, I'm not quite tired yet. I might go grab a snack, take a stroll" I suggested to him, turning the opposite direction of my room.

"By your self? At this time of night?" He scoffed. "I don't think so, we can go grab a snack, then you're off to bed" he followed me.

"Im a big girl, Riddle. I do not need an escort to the kitchen." I teased.

"Maybe, maybe not. But did it ever occur to you that I'm also hungry?" He said, still following.

"fine, but if you get us caught, i'll have your head." I tried making jokes. Everything still felt heavy from our conversation from before.

We crept our way to the kitchen, trying to be as quite as possible. I truly was very hungry, and still hadn't had the slightest clue of what time it was.

The common room was empty, as were the corridors. So I could only imagine it was well past lights out. Just as we turned the corner, there she was, Norris.

Fucking cat.

Which meant, Flitch was far behind. The cat started meowing like crazy, setting off her alarms,  and just like that, he stood in front of us.

"Students out of bed!" He began to shout.


Mattheo and I looked at each other, knowing what would happen if we were caught at this hour out of bed.

In that second, he grabbed my hand, turned us around, and starting running.

I ran with him, like two little kids on a play ground. Up and down hallways. Cutting corners. Our shoes gliding on the floor. up the stairs, then down again. Giggling like madmen. Our fingers locked the entire time.

We finally came to a stop, we found ourselves on the complete opposite side of the castle. We couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably.

I don't think id ever seen him laugh this hard, ever. I personally don't think I've ever laughed this hard. He had quite the smile. A laugh that was contagious. His eyes, appeared happy for once. I wish he was like this more often.

"You are far too slow to ever sneak around with Malfoy!" He said through his laughter.

"Oh please! You were holding me back!" And we laughed some more.

Until we didn't. And it was just us two, in a completely empty corridor, lit by the moon, in the middle of the night. We panted, trying to catch our breath.

Our eyes locked, the panting faded, and it was just us. Staring deep into each others eyes.

When all of a sudden, he grabbed my face, with both this hands and pulled me in. Our lips completely crashing together.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, while his explored my body. It was a wave of heat, and heavy breathing, and some what relief. He backed me up against the wall, never breaking the kiss.

I felt my back slam against the hard wall, but I truly didn't care. Right there is exactly where I wanted to be. I wanted him, so bad. I could tell he wanted me too. Suddenly, his hand was up my skirt. I was still in my damn school skirt, with my sweater, while he was just in his dress pants and button down, untucked and wild. God, he looked good. I pulled away to look into his eyes.

His deep brown eyes, appeared to be pleading for me. We stared at each other, heavily breathing, both our eyes wandering from our eyes, back down to each others lips.

I nodded, giving him the seal of approval, and decided to steal his line, "fuck it" I whispered, pulling him back in.

I could tell he found the humor in me saying this, as for a slight second I seen a smirk appear across his face.

He reached his hands under my legs, and pulled me off the ground. My legs wrapped around his body, my back still on the wall.

I felt his hand slide down, to lower his pants, as I braced my self. He slid my under garments to the side, looked me one more time in the eye, to ensure I was about with what was about to happen. Once again, I nodded, practically begging.

And so he did, right there in the hall way. He did me. As I felt my back bouncing up and down against the wall, as he pushed harder and harder, hand cupping my mouth to make me be quite, our eyes locked just inches away from each other.

I never felt so alive.

He placed me back down, pulled up his pants and tried to make himself look presentable.

"God damnit Malfoy." He muttered as he fixed himself.

What have we gotten our selves into. 

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