Scene 5 - More explosions

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We see the children leading their father on their way through to the scrapyard to which they last saw Trixy. They arrive at the scrapyard.


It was in there. That's where they took her.


He's not here. That bloke. Nor the teenagers.


This is out of bounds. There was that policeman you said. We can go and find him.


He didn't look like a policeman. He was dressed in leather and black.


A policeman? There was a guy like that I saw doing some measurements for something.

The Doctor then arrives in view, with his bleeping Sonic Screwdriver pointed in the direction of the scrapyard.


Yeah. It's gotta be.


That's him. That was him.


That Doctor. It was him?



The Doctor then dashes over to the scrapyard, ignoring the children and Steve about.


Hello. Sorry. Don't mind me. Just come looking for what I'm after.


You. You that guy looking for measurements got in the way of my children. What's going on?


Beg your pardon, Steve, old chum. Just gotten it again. In there.


Now look here. You're not inclined to get in the way and mess about with my kids. I strongly suggest you keep clear of them and get out of here.


That's exactly what he told the boys.

The scrapyard bursts open, and it is Elliot. He looks panicked, panting heavily, and parts of his skin ripped apart. The other parts of his being such as his piercings, tattoos, and torn clothing have been left intact on him from the conversion. He has been rejected by the Cybermen but remains a hunted man.


That was him. That was one of them.


I gotta go. They're monsters. Monsters down there.


You! You, you horrid little kid. Keep away from my daughters. What have you done with...

The crazed Elliot dashes past. Steve, who tries to catch him, but moves so fast that he bolts away around the corner in terror. The Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver registers readings coming from the direction Elliot ran. A huge black ball emerges from the scrapyard into the air, which is what the Sonic tracks. The Doctor quickly realises this, and they watch the bleeping homing mine go in the direction of where Elliot ran to.


What is it?


I've found it. It's in there. The scrapyard.

We hear the homing mine bleeping, homing onto it's target as we hear the terrified Elliot screaming.


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