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I do not know where to start...but one thing is certain! you guys were the start of my journey into the world of future I will dive into more soon...I can feel that and I am seeing what I could become but the purpose is yet to be why I will be into this even more as days turns to weeks and to months. 

The moment I first saw you joe,chard,rose dance in separate scenarios or situations I saw how graceful your movements are and I saw how it could change someone's life. I saw myself dwelling into the beauty of dancing with the three of you. 

I used to dance since young in every presentation with each event, but you know? you guys ignited the flame to keep burning within the depths of my existence. I fell in love with dancing and soon after? it had became my freedom that feels like chains kept breaking with every move I make...

falling in love with dance? was so awesome and with that I thanked all three of you...also because it is one of the things we kept doing together every now and then my know hopefully our plans will still be done...plans that we are currently establishing...dreams that comes from our current plans? I wish it would all happen you know...

we started to form a group for seems like it is falling apart sooner than heart was poured into it because I truly want it to happen...yeah! at first you are there and helping out but right after you all left and you decided not to take it as a priority at all. yes it was all understandable...but it gave me hopes because we already had began to move and formulate plans,strategies and more...yet why did any of you never actually put an effort so that we could finish all of it!

In the end I kept creating new group and such...but the same situation keeps happening may be it is all because of my love for her...for you rose...that it never work for all of us to begin with! we are not in good terms because of my actions that was repeated hoping that you could understand because we were once closed friends before everything got destroyed by myself...

I do not want you to just be a friend instead I hoped we would become closer so unintentionally I did what you hated the most every time you try understand?forgive...I did it because? I want you so bad to be mine...I would dare to do more and risk our friendship so that you would like me too...but guess what? it is hurting all of us! even my friends that were helping me out was getting  damaged!! all because of these scorching feeling for you!!

I know it was hurting all of us but I still pursue you at the cost of all that there is within our vicinity...I pursued and chose you despite getting attracted to other girls out there and almost become taken at the process...I am still stuck at the promise of falling in love once right now...

you are my first love so I prayed and hoped to God please let me the one for you!and you for me...but why is it so hard? why cant it happen...yah maybe we are still young...yet I have dreams as I close my eyes every time when sleeping...dreams of a life with you that is why I have not yet given up these feelings that had become chaotic...

I WANT YOU TO BE MINE!! AT THE COST OF ALL I LAY DOWN IT RISKING EVERY TIME...I even take absences in school just to see you...not just because most of my real friends are there...the main reason is you...I want to see you and talk to you each moment I am there in your school...

but I often ran away...I often hide myself from you...I like you for real but I never had the courage to face you every time you are about to face me...So behind the scenes and from a far I like you and through each pieces I create was meant for you...but it seems like none were actually being appreciated...nevertheless I will continue all of this...

I never fell just for your appearance, i fell in loved with you because of how graceful your movements are and how I wanted to have you as my muse...I now love dancing and I will do whatever it takes to be good at this just like the three of you! you three are my motivation and inspiration that keeps me dancing amidst the uncertainties of these feelings for you rose...chard has been teaching has been my critique and you? as my lightning rod guiding me through every step I take in dancing...

I was drawn in by the enchantment in your motions, and I was curious to find out more about the person who was taking such graceful steps.But as we sway in the soft beach air now, the weight of reality bears down on my heart. Our friendship broke and the only thing that was left connecting all of us is that I hold on and usually cling onto was left for the two of us to have a remaining slightest ties to one another...even your friends helped but I neglected and made it worse...

As the sun sets on our dance and the waves pound the coast, I realize that I must find a way to let go and accept the fact that you will never truly love me back. I have to embrace the fact that sometimes love isn't returned, leaving me to dance alone in the shadows of what might have been even if it hurts. I would never end up with you...but still I will choose to love you rose...until the day I take my last breath on this earth? it will always be you...guess being single is meant for me then...because only once I promised to love someone and that is you rose the love of my life...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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