Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress's Revenge

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A/N: Skipping a few episodes down the line since Naomi won't be present in those one for obvious reasons but I hope you guys enjoy the chapter ^_^

Naomi remembers the first time she and the Ninja met.

What started as a simple quest to find her locker, bumping into the Ninja on their first day soon turned into the adventure of a lifetime.

The two were like one powerful duo, fighting crime while also dealing with their own struggles at school. They were best friends and Naomi wouldn't want to change that for the world.

But it wasn't until what happened last week after the whole Thunderpunch incident. Naomi has only been trying to stay away from Randy.

When she said that she'll talk to Randy later…maybe they were lying to themselves about talking to him.

She was a bit mad at first but soon couldn't find herself mad anymore at Randy and was now upset that he didn't trust them in telling her that he was the Ninja.

Theresa had asked her a few days ago when she was hanging at her place why she was avoiding Randy and Howard.

It was pretty huge apparently since they were like "three peas in a pod" as Theresa likes to quote it.

They had to lie and say that she had some things going on which made Theresa worried but if there was anything Naomi learned from Akira it was how to put up an act.

But she knew that she couldn't keep hiding from them.

Randy was currently playing at Greg's Game Hole, smashing the buttons on the game he was playing as he chugged down his last bit of soda and threw it away.

"That is no baloney! You have leveled up!"

He quickly takes a small sweat break by wiping the sweat off his forehead and continues with the game before Howard appears by his side.

"Um, I come with a message from the Food Hole. You're bogartin' the Mustermann, and people are not happy"

He gestures to the side and Randy turns his head from a split second to see some angry looks from other people.

Randy soon focuses back on his game "Howard, I've dropped eight hours, Blam! And two weeks allowance into this game, Bla-Blam! I'm finally about to beat it"

Just as he said that, his character ran out of ammo and was now trying to avoid getting attacked by the bull as he ran around "No, No, No! I'm out!!"

"Welcome, Baby Buckaroo. He will be your huckleberry" another character appears on screen, making Randy confused before he glances to his side to see Howard now taking over the controls for player two "What are you doing?!" He exclaims.

"Saving your butt" Howard says while cracking his knuckles

"My butt doesn't need saving!" Randy retorts back.

Howard presses one button and his character fires at the bull, killing it.

"Baby Buckaroo is the hero of the victory!"

"What the juice?!" Turning to Howard who pumps their fists in victory as the crowd that formed around the two cheered for him.

Greg —the owner of the shop— walks towards the two. "By the power vested in me by the Manfred Mustermann Kid Cowboy Committee," He pulls out a small star shaped badge and slaps it onto Howard's shirt "I hereby pronounce you, "Hero for the Day!" Skee-bow!"

Walking away, Howard smiles in joy "Wow! A medal? I did not plan on being a hero today," He says, turning to Randy who looked slightly annoyed. "But when duty calls, ya know? Heh he...duty.."

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