Chapter 10

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And despite the desire to call Miguel a 'friend' for the longest time, the word now just leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

Of course, you finally realized that what you feel for Miguel is love after, it turned out he is hopelessly devoted to another.

Just your luck.

You chuckle, thinking about just how lucky that person is, that despite not being with the man they are still closer to him than you'll ever be.

It's early in the morning and you find yourself walking towards Miguel's office, ready to spend another day with the man.

You're passing by the training grounds when you hear two familiar voices.

"Miguel, I know it's not ideal but I think we have to talk about the future." You peek from around the corner and catch a glimpse of Jessica standing beside Miguel, who is ruthlessly pummeling a punching bag.

"What is there to talk about Jess." He huffs, delivering powerful punches to the helpless bag. "I'm doing okay, there's no need to think this much ahead. The progress of hanahaki slowed down."

You selfishly smile at the thought that Miguel's feelings might actually be fleeting. It turns back into a frown when you realize it's probably just the treatment doing its job.

As you let out a sigh and prepare to move towards them, Jessica's sharp question stops you dead in your tracks.

"Who will be the leader when you're gone?"

Your grip on the wall tightens and you can feel some roughcast falling off.

Miguel freezes as well, hands frozen halfway into delivering a punch.

"Miguel, you've made it quite clear that you have no intention of surgery and that you won't confess cause there's 'no way it's required', which, by the way, is absolute bullshit. I told you, they obviously like you back-"

"If they did, I wouldn't be dying!" Miguel turns to face her, towering over her shorter form.

"...Which just proves my point." Despite the man baring his fangs inches away from her face, you can see that Jessica stays calm and collected. "There has to be someone that'll take over and you know it." The woman puts her hand on Miguel's shoulder and despite the many feet distancing you two, you see the man relax under her touch.

"We," She swallows. "But more importantly, you worked so hard to make this group what it is. You are the foundation of this whole operation and without you... it'll fall apart"

You feel your heart throbbing inside your chest as Jessica's words fully register in your head. Everything you're doing is simply delaying the inevitable.

You tried to dismiss the thought for the longest time, but can't pretend any longer when faced with the facts.

Miguel will die.

"... I haven't thought about it." His voice finally rings out, ending the previous silence. He puts his hands on his hips and averts Jessica's gaze.

"Then think, Miguel. There has to be someone you have in mind."

"Well, there's you. Ben is... okay, but not leader material. Peter... Peter has a child with him wherever he goes, so that's a deal breaker. There's also-" Miguel closes his mouth so abruptly that you can hear the click of his teeth all the way from behind the corner.

Jess looks at him, knowingly. "...say, what about them, huh? Teammate turned personal assistant."

You can feel your heartbeat quicken. Jessica's talking about you. About you taking on Miguel's role as the leader of the Spider Society.

You shudder at the thought. As if you could replace him. You know you're a pretty good Spider-Man but there are many better candidates-

"Absolutely not. They would bring nothing but chaos if they were to be in charge. You are the best possible candidate at the moment, Jess." Miguel tears himself from Jessica's grip and goes back to the punching bag, resuming his relentless assault on the punching bag.


"That's harsh, even for you Miguel." She scoffs.

"They spend countless hours to 'help me out' instead of focusing on fixing the multiverse." He answers, delivering a punch. "That's a good friend, not a leader."

You smile, resting your forehead against the wall. Well, at least he admitted that you are friends. You sigh and decide to leave the two of them alone. You'll catch him later.

Your stomach rumbles and you shush it, keen on not being discovered.

Cafeteria it is.

blooming through the concrete (Miguel O'Hara x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang