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Chapter Three

Tae groaned as he rolled over; his head pounded like he had gone on a bender. He kept his eyes close as he felt around for his blanket. He furrowed his brow and opened one eye. He was not in his apartment; he was in his apartment, just not his. It was strange; there was a faint shadow that was over everything. He looked around. The more awake it was, the stranger it was; everything was on the wrong side of the room.

"What the fuck?" He questioned as he walked to the bathroom. He was sure this was another one of his nightmares. He needed to wake up, and everything would be fine.

He turned on the water, closed his eyes, stuck his hand under the water, jumped back, and looked down at his hand; it was bright red from the water; he watched as the mirror began to steam up; it was strange he was watching himself brush his teeth. This was definitely one of his weird dreams. All he had to do was wake up; he needed to; he wanted to; the overwhelming need for the nightmare to end crept into the pit of his stomach and made it feel like centipedes were attempting to escape.

He closed his eyes again, "Ok... in three... two... one!" he announced and opened his eyes; Taehyung was still asleep, "What the fuck?" he yelled, slamming his hand on the mirror.

He watched as his reflection looked at him and winked before it walked off a towel loose around his waist. There was no way that Tae just watched himself wink at himself; reflections were well exactly that reflections. He took a steadying breath. It was strange to watch himself get dressed; it was like he was out of his body; there was no way Tae was most definitely asleep.

"You better not fuck this up for me, or I'll never let you out."

He blinked and turned his head; he stood before the full-length mirror, pulling on his tight black pants. He spun around, wondering if there was some camera like a prank or something going on that he could hear himself talking; someone recorded him and was playing it back. That's what would have happened if it wasn't a dream. It most definitely had to be a joke.

"I'm talking to you; I swear you get stupider and stupider every time we do this."

Tae was still unsure of what was going on. His voice called out, but it wasn't him that was talking, or at least he thought it wasn't him. His reflection took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "I am speaking to you," he said again.

Tae looked around; the other he was talking to him was weird, but ok, if this was where the dream was taking him, he was going to follow, "ok?" he replied, moving closer to the mirror.

"Are you listening?" the other Tae asked, staring straight at him as he pulled on the flowy black top.

Tae nodded slowly, completely weirded out that he was talking to his reflection and not in a pep talk sort of way but in its real, I'm real sort of way. He moved closer to the mirror, curious what he would say to himself.

"Good, I was saying if you even try to mess this up for me... I mean us; I will never let you back out," he said, pointing to Tae, making his point.

"Fuck up what?" Tae asked, confused by what was going on at the moment. He had no clue what he was talking about; the last thing he remembered was a text, but from who?

"Our date..." the other Tae shook his head, "how could you forget Jimin? I swear you are a horrible boyfriend."

The furrowed his brow, Jimin? Who was Jimin? The name brought an image to mind, but Tae couldn't make out the face, just skin and lips, the caressing of skin; he sighed, feeling himself chub up a bit. They must be the

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