Chapter 12

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"What about small gathering, uh? Just with family."

"I said no, mother."

"But Rúben, it's your birthday!"

"And I've said I don't want to do anything special! Not with all the news we are getting from the border and Rowena still recovering."

"I'm fine" she said.

"The doctor said you must rest."

"And I'm telling you I'm fine" Rowena protested.


"My prince? Sorry for interrupting your lunch, my prince" a servant said.

"What is it?"

"It's from the palace. It says it is urgent" he said, giving Rúben a note.

"And? What is it?" Diogo asked.

"I must go back" his brother replied, quickly getting up from his seat.

"Is it the war?" the King asked.

"No, it's something else."

"And you can't tell us?"

"It's personal."

"Rúben, what is happening? You are making us all nervous" his mother said.

"Fine" he sighed. "It's Poppy. She's sick" he said, looking at Rowena.

"Who is Poppy?" the Queen asked.

"Oh, no. Is it serious?" Rowena said.

"I don't know. The note only said that they need me back at the palace."

"Then I'm going with you."

"Rowena, you must rest. Doctor's orders" Rúben said, stopping her from getting up.

"And I already told you I'm fine!"


"No! I'm going with you, end of the story!"

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Is anyone going to tell me who Poppy is?" the Queen asked again, raising her voice.

"Poppy is Rowena's horse, the one I gifted her" Rúben explained.

"And the one I'm visiting whether you like it or not" she said as she finally got up from her seat, pushing him to the side and walking away.

"Rowena..." he said again, rolling his eyes and following her. "Rowena, wait."

"All this because of a horse?" the Queen asked as she watched them leave the dining room.

"I thought they were finally getting along" the King sighed.

"And they are, father" Diogo said.

"Then why are they arguing again?"

"My mother has told me that Rowena's parents were the same before they got married and confessed their feelings for each other. It must run in the family" Anne smiled.

"If you say so..." the King said before going back to his food.


"There is no need to sit as humanly possible away from me as you can, you know?" Rúben said. They had been in the coach on their way to the palace for a while, and they hadn't shared a word. Or a look. Rowena had her eyes focused on the road. "Are you seriously going to do this for the whole journey? Act as if I don't exist?" Again, no answer. "Rowena, what are you, twelve?"

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