Chapter 14

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"Good morning, Rowena."

"Good morning, your majesty" she said as she sat down at the table.

"Are you feeling better?" the queen asked.

"Much better. Thank you for asking."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby."

"Oh, a baby" she giggled. "I've never understood why we say that when we have a good night of sleep. Babies usually sleep badly, though I must say that Rúben was a good sleeper. Way better than Diogo."

"Sorry, mother" he smiled.

"Rowena, were you a good sleeper as a baby?" the queen asked her.

"I don't know, your majesty. My mother never said."

"That probably is because you were a good one."

"Someone slept well, and woke up hungry" the king chuckled.

"Oh, yes, sorry" Rowena said when she saw the amount of food on her plate. "I am famished."

"You left most of what you had eaten on that poor flowerpot" Diogo laughed.

"Didi!" Anne said, hitting his arm.

"Sorry, my lady" he apologized.

"It's alright, don't worry" Rowena smiled.

"Where is that husband of yours?" the king asked.

"He..." she mumbled, looking for an excuse. She was pretty sure he hadn't come back to bed. She fell asleep not long after he abruptly left to find her a piece of cake, and when she woke up that morning, his side of the bed was cold.

"Good morning, everyone" Rúben said, walking into the dining room.

"Speak of the devil" his uncle chuckled, giving him a big pat on the back when he sat next to him, as far away from Rowena as he could. What was going on with him? Had she done something wrong?

"Well, now that the whole family is finally together, is there anything anyone would like to share? Any good news?" the queen asked. "No one?" she asked again, looking first to Rowena and then to Rúben.

"Why are you looking at me like that? he said.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"I've done nothing."

"Haven't you, dear?"

"Is this because I slept in one of the guest rooms? I didn't want to bother Rowena, she needed to rest." So that's where he had been.

"And why did she need to rest?"

"Because it had been a long day, and she was still recovering from hitting her head during the football game."

"Oh, please stop it, Rúben!" the queen said. "I know!"

"You know what?" he asked, visibly confused.

"That Rowena is pregnant!"

"That I what?" she said, her voice getting lost between everyone else's.

"You are pregnant and you hadn't told me?" Anne asked her.

"Oh, congratulations, brother!" Diogo yelled, getting up to hug Rúben.

"The family is growing!" their uncle said, toasting with the king.

"Can you... Can you all please stop!" Rúben roared.

"What is it, son?" the king asked.

"Rowena isn't pregnant."

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