Bounce House

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It was my birthday, I was turning sixteen. My little brother threw me a 'suprise' party.  It was night time and my brother surprised me with a bounce house, as kids we'd always wanted one. Tonight me and my friends bounced on it as if tonight we're out last night, we laughed and shoved each other. The triplets stayed the latest, I was in the bounce house looking at the sky. It's so pretty the clouds almost barely covering the moon, stunning. All the sudden Chris came out and sat with me, "How's sixteen treating you?"
"Alright so far" he nodded, his brothers were inside helping my mom clean up.
"So y/n?"
"Hm..?" I leaned closer laying my head on his shoulder, we were sitting up.
"Where's uhm, what's his name?"
"Oh, heh. Steven? We aren't together"
"Why's that?"
"No reason.." I sighed standing up, hardly able to do it on my own with the bouncy floor. Chris stood up holding onto the inner part of my arm, my wrists too. "I'm gonna grab a soda, do you want anything?"
"Pepsi? Please"
"Mhm" I left slipping on my sandals I went inside seeing Nick drying off plates with a towel. "Thanks again, it was really sweet of you guys to stay" I said to Matt and Nick. They nod "Of course," said Matt "Its your sixteenth!!You think we would miss the opportunity to see you!?" I laughed softly
"Well thank you it was really nice" I say grabbing a Pepsi and a root beer from the fridge, "mhm" matt nods putting away forks as i go outside seeing chris still in the bounce house "Here ya go" I say tosing the can at him, gentle enough it wouldnt burst when he opened it. "Thanks" I nod sitting next to him.
"I'm gonna play some music that alright?"
"Oh no-" he gets cut off by Taylor Swift 'Karma' was playing as I stand up grabbing him "I keep the side of my street clean, you wouldn't know what I mean" I sing with my eyes closed. Forcing chris to dance along with me. "Karmas a relaxing thought, karmas the breeze in my hair on the weekends" i continued to sing after the song ends we fall down bouncing onto the ground as I giggle while I turn down the volume of the next song plays, "Heartless" by The Weeknd plays in the background. "Chris?" He looks over at me
"I- I..I uhm, I think I'm falling in love with you" it was true, for months- no YEARS. Id had feelings for him, I don't know why I decided tonight if mention it, I guess because I felt he couldn't go he couldn't just leave over my emotions it was my birthday and his brothers were here to stay. "Oh- uhm, really?" He itched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry- is this awkward? I just-" I was shut up by his lips on mine, did he feel the same?Or was this just a pity gift? "I really like you y/n"
"Like me? But I said I'm in love with you"
"Uh-uh you said you were falling in love with me- different things sweetheart" he chuckled while correcting me. "For you, I can learn to fall in love with you. And I'm sure it won't be hard"

(A different part cuz this was my idea but I didnt put it in the story so I'm js gonna right the line(s) here:))

"We can't kiss as long as we're under this roof, my brothers will see" I was confused, really? Your in love with me and your worried about that? I sure as hell wasn't. "There is no roof" I look up, we were in the bounce house there was no roof. I lean in kissing his lips, they were soft I could taste the chapstick he wore, it was vannila it smelled good too. But I guess Chris's worry's weren't stuipid after all, after the kiss I look over and see Nick and Matt. There jaws almost on the ground "Mom said we have to get going-" Nick said "I can tell your busy though"
"Fuck you" Chris said jokingly, he'd never be so aggressive towards his brothers and I'd hope I wouldn't change that. He leaned in giving me another kiss, "I'll text you, okay?" I nod this was the best birthday ever and I could have had this years ago if I wasnt so scared. Tonight could've been our third or fourth anniversary of dating, but of course it was just our first. Our first night. But our first night together.

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