Brothers pt 2

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I don't think I'm over him.

My eyes open, I'm breathing heavy. I was asleep on the couch and the TV was on. "Shit" I look over my brother stretched out and so was Chris and Matt, they took up the whole couch. I felt small, useless, un-nessasary. I sighed in relief realizing if they were here it was a Friday night. Nick always stayed in the guest room he never wanted to hang out with us. Or them I shouldn't include myself with Chris,Matt and my brother I wasn't in their group and they didn't want me in it either. I go back to sleep a d then wake up again it's 6:09AM , shit still early. I go to Nick's room and creak open the door he's awake. "Your up?" I ask although the answer is clearly yes. "Mhm, just woke up" I nod at his response. "I Know you like him" Nick said looking up from his phone, I look over. "Who-"
"Chris, it's obvious. We all know" I look at him as if I don't know what he's saying. "What? I dont-"
"Don't act as if you don't know." He sighs "He likes you too" he says looking back down at his phone. I can see the pictures he's looking at, it's a picture from.. Madi, it's some meme of a cat with a croc on its head and his eyes are practically bulging out of his head. "Does he?" Nick nods. "Your lying aren't you? Your just trying to make me feel better" he shakes his head, clearly disagreeing. "Hes REALLY into you. He has been for years"
"Then why's he such an ass"
"It's Chris." He says typing a response to Madi. "He really likes me?"
"Duhhh" he put down his phone, "How can't you tell?"
"So..your just guessing?"
"No, He told me" he says looking at me "Make your move!"
"Should I?"
"Yes!!" He pretended to shove me off the bed "Go, make your move!" I get up and go to the living room. "Chris?" I say walking in, Everyone was up but still tired. "Hm?"
"Can we talk?" He nods getting up
"What is it?" He asks obviously confused. "Nick told me something..and I wanted to know if it was true?"
"What it is it?"
"Uhm, he said you- you liked me?" He gulped "I uh, yeah..yeah I do"
"Good," I kiss his cheek
"Wait- what?"
"I like you stuipid"

(Pt 3???)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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