☪︎*。꙳ first memory

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I've heard rumors about you
though I've never seen you personally
but all the girls were admiring you
as if you're some greek god
as if other boys does not exist at all
like you're the only specimen who's worthy
to be called with such beautiful words
i never believed them as I've not seen you
face to face, we've never breathed the same air
until the time comes when we crossed paths
it felt as if the time slowed down
and we're the only ones in the room
cliché but that's what I've felt the moment our eyes collided
"so this is what they felt"
they must have felt this drowning feeling
while they look at your eyes
eyes that are so deep and enchanting
eyes which made me feel as I'm somewhere
in between heaven and earth
my courage backed down
all I wanted was to run away,
shield me away from your sharp stare
that day made me realized
that my weakness was never any useless things
it was your eyes and how it looked at me
as if they're ready to subjugate me
like a predator to its prey
a king to its knight
a leader to its pawn

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