Chapter 2: Silver's nightmare

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Good luck Silver...

I woke up in my bed in a cold sweat as tears started to fill my eyes. I looked around my room as the memories filled my head as I began to cry softly. The same dream has been happening for last three months ever since I came back to Sonic's world, and they wouldn't go away. I couldn't stop thinking about Blaze and how she sacrificed herself for me and still hurts my heart to know she's no longer here anymore and I don't know what to do. I kept crying for a while until I fell back asleep as tears fell down my cheeks knowing maybe... just maybe I'll be able to see her again.

The next day.

I stood outside just watching the sky as the clouds flew past in the sky as I smiled softly but was still hurting from the dream last night. And everyone had noticed it from me as my friends always came by to help me feel better and I appreciated it from them, but it doesn't change the fact that my best friend was gone. I still looked up at the sky as my thoughts past through my head.

"I miss you Blaze... I can't take another day without you here with me... why did you have to do it...?"

I sighed softly as I went for a walk-in town as I saw everyone enjoying themselves and having fun and it warms my heart to see so many smiling faces. I continued to walk through town until I saw Amy and waved at her and of course she waved back at me until she got up and walked up to me.

"Hi Silver."

"Huh? Oh hi Amy. How is everything for you?"

"Everything is going good Silver. But Sonic told me that you haven't come out of your house in a while is something wrong?" 

I looked at her without saying a word and turned away from here.

"I'm fine Amy don't worry about me."

"Silver I can tell that something is wrong with you and I'm not gonna stop worrying about you until you tell me what's wrong."

"I said I'm fine Amy."

Amy then put her hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a sad look on her face.

"Silver, come on we're friends, aren't we? Friends are supposed to help each other out in their time of need and I'm always gonna help my friends that includes you too. So please you can tell me I won't think any less of you if you just tell me and I promise that I'll help you out no matter what."

She was right about it though she's always helpful with her friends and I always knew that she helped most of our friends, and her helping me would be amazing. How could I not refuse her help at all? I looked at Amy with a soft smile.

"Alright Amy, I'll tell you what's going on with me."

"Okay but let's head back to my house alright?"


Amy squealed with joy as she grabbed me by the arm. I can tell that she was really happy to help me with my problem and I knew she was the only one who could help me.

"Alright but let's talk about it at my house Silver."

"Sure Amy."

I was a bit happy that Amy was going to help me with my nightmare problem, and I know that she'll do a great job at it. As we reached her house, she opened the door offered me inside.

"Go ahead and sit on the couch while I make some tea and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask Silver."

"Thanks Amy that's means a lot to me and I'm grateful that you're helping me."

"It's no problem, Silver I'm always happy to help my friends."

She smiled at me as I smiled back at her as I continued to sit on the couch and looked around her living room and noticed that she had so many pictures of Sonic in her living room but I paid no mind to it as I thought about Blaze again and how much I missed her it wasn't until Amy came to the living room and placed the cups of tea on the table and sat next to me on the couch while taking a few sips of her tea and looked at me.

"So, Silver why don't you tell me what's bothering you so I can help."

I looked at the floor and sighed softly and took a sip of my tea.

"Well, it started back when me and Blaze went back to the future to stop Iblis once and for all and hours of fighting, we managed to stop him, but it came with a price for her..."

"What exactly happened to her Silver?"

Tears started to fill my eyes as I began to cry softly.

"She... She sacrificed herself and brought light back to my world... and I've been having nightmares because of it, and it hurts to know that my best friend was gone, and I miss her so much... I just don't know what to do now..."

"Silver I'm so sorry about that..."

"It's ok Amy..."

"But it's not ok Silver you're hurting, and I can't stand to see you like this."

She knew I was lying when I said that I was ok, but I never admitted it to myself as I started to cry more until she wrapped her arms around me in a hug as I hugged back while crying.

"Just try to relax Silver and take deep breaths. I'm here for you."

I started to take deep breaths and began to calm down for a bit. It still hurts my heart so much but knowing that Amy is helping makes me happy. I was so lucky to have her as a friend and that won't change that at all. After me and Amy stopped hugging, I looked at her and smiled softly and wiped my tears aways.

"Thanks Amy I'm so glad to have you as a friend."

"You're welcome, Silver I'm always happy to help you no matter what."

"Well I better head home but again thanks Amy."

"It's no problem, Silver see you in the morning."

"You too Amy."

I waved goodbye to Amy as she waved back as I began to walk home. It was nice having Amy help with my nightmare problem, but I still missed Blaze so much. but just before I made it home, I found a bench and sat down for a moment as the sun began to set over the horizon and I looked at the sky change into beautiful colors as I smiled and sighed softly.

"I wish you could be here to see the sunset Blaze it's really beautiful. I miss you so much..."

Just then a bright light started to shine by the tree as I watched in confusion.

"What's going on?"

The light got brighter and brighter as it blinded my vision for a moment as it began to disappear and I saw someone standing there and I immediately knew who it was as tears to fill my eyes as I saw Blaze standing by the tree and I got up and walked to her as she began to rub her head softly.

"Ugh where am I?"

"B-Blaze is that you...?"

As Blaze turned to me her eyes started to fill with tears.


To be Continued

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