Ask #45

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@FidgetGod Me: Wheeljack have you noticed something off about Ratchet like he's keeping something from you? angel: Yeah Wheeljack have you? alex: It's kinda obvious.

Wheeljack, rises optic ridge: Sunshine, keeping something from me? No I doubt that. {thinks} Though he has started to get a little fat lately.

A wrench suddenly came screaming through the air, easily nailing Wheeljack in the helm and knocking the poor wrecker to the cold hard ground.

Ratchet, growling from his place in the door: I'M NOT FAT!!


A/N: This was originally meant to be posted on Wednesday, but something ended up happening. If you didn't see the announcement I posted on my profile on Friday I'll give you a short version.

For the past 2 weeks I'd had pain in my left side, on Wednesday I ended up in hospital it was discovered I had fluid around my left lung. I stayed the night in hospital then had a drain put through my back and into my chest on Thursday. Ended up staying the night again got the drain taken out at 1:48am before I was able to finally come home on Friday at 4:30pm.

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