Royal Discussions

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'Pr-princess?', the king stuttered when I finished my introduction'.

'Yes, that is what I said', I responded confident as ever and eager to see more of his reaction.

So far anyone could tell he was shocked to say the least but I wanted to uncover what was under that, a deeper emotion.

Maybe hate? Anger? Relief? Just anything.

He seems to realize what I'm trying to do as his face twists into one holding no emotion. 'I see'.

'And why does your kingdom send their princess after all these years to come look for ours?', the king said casting a curious gaze on each of us.

'My kingdom did not send me here. We...'

'As expected. The other kingdoms do not care about ours', he interrupted, his voice tainted with disdain.

'That's not true.', I said.

'Please. A child like you cannot explain to me what I already know', he said stubbornly.

I was about to counter his argument when Jaxon stepped forward mutely cutting me off as he addressed King Darius.8i9'Your majesty', he bowed, 'Before we go into further discussions , allow me to properly introduce all of us'.

'I am Prince Jaxon of Glacier kingdom, brother of King Edur, this is...', he introduced each of us pointing at us as we slightly bowed acknowledging his presence and our respective names and title.

'Incredible', the king barked as he laughed, 'All four kingdoms have come to grace my presence and to what do I owe the honor?', his voice was mocking but Jaxon continued nonetheless.

'We did not intend to come here', the king lifted a brow but allowed him to continue, 'We may have stumbled upon the outskirts of your land accidentally while trying to fid our way through the caves to the top of the mountains'.

'I knew this was too good to be planned', the king scoffed.

I really wanted to put the king in his place but I knew better than to meddle when Jaxon was taking charge of the situation.

I took a look at everyone and it seemed the same thing was running through their mind, though Aiden just looked bored and so did Eric.

'We're actually glad we had this encounter, if not none of us would be here', Jaxon continued.

'And who said I wanted visitors?', he shot back.

'Whether you wanted company or not isn't our concern. Everyone throughout the four kingdoms thought you were extinct, removed from the face of the earth. So imagine our surprise when we found your son'.

At the mention of his name Eric looked up to meet his father's gaze.

He nodded slightly acknowledging the truth behind Jaxon's words but the doubt was still clear in his eyes.

'That doesn't exactly mean that showing up here will change anything', he said.

'Are you angry at our kingdoms for some reason?', Aiden spoke as all heads turned to face him.

'Pardon my intrusion, but you're responses are like that of one who holds a grudge. Did you always think the reason we never came was perhaps because your kingdom wasn't good enough?'

The king was speechless. Aiden may have just hit the nail on the head.

'If you hold a grudge against us for that then you should've made yourselves known to the world instead of keeping your kingdom hidden', Iris said when no words were yet to be spoke by the king.

ELEMENTS: The Descendants of Royalty 🔥💦💨❄Where stories live. Discover now