Prologue 1

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The night before her first day of college, Ana Kim found herself in the midst of a heated argument with her parents. They insisted that she attend the college they had chosen for her, one that aligned with their vision of a stable and secure future. But Ana had different aspirations, and her heart yearned for an art school where she could pursue her passion for creativity and embrace her love for all things weird and eerie.

The tension in the room was palpable as emotions ran high. Ana tried to explain her desires, her dreams, and her yearning to follow her own path. She pleaded with her parents to understand her, but it seemed as if they were locked in their own beliefs.

"I don't want to go to that college!" Ana exclaimed, her voice quivering with frustration. "I want to go to an art school, where I can truly be myself, where my creativity can flourish."

Her parents exchanged disapproving glances, unable to comprehend her passion for the dark and unconventional. "Ana, we want what's best for you. This college will provide you with a stable career and a bright future," her mother said firmly.

"But what about my dreams, my happiness?" Ana retorted. "I don't want to spend my life in a career that doesn't ignite my soul."

The argument continued late into the night, leaving Ana feeling drained and disheartened. She retreated to her room, seeking solace in the darkness she loved. The moonlight seeped through her big window, casting a haunting glow over her room. As she sank into her thoughts, she couldn't help but wonder about the challenges that lay ahead.

In the depths of her mind, a torrent of questions surged. How would she survive in a place where her heart wasn't invested? How could she adjust to a college that felt foreign to her very being? Would she ever find a place where she could truly belong and feel comfortable? The uncertainty weighed heavily on her heart.

Amidst the sea of thoughts, Ana's gaze landed on her study table, adorned with a collection of weird and horror-themed miniatures. Among them was a tiny doll with an eerie smile, its eyes seemingly fixed on her. The doll had always fascinated Ana; its unsettling presence was strangely comforting, reminding her that it was okay to embrace the peculiar aspects of herself.

As Ana stared into the doll's eyes, a sense of determination flickered within her. She knew she couldn't change her parents' minds, but she could control her own actions and decisions. She vowed to make the best of the situation, to seize every opportunity to pursue her passions outside of her college curriculum.

Her parents' disappointment lingered, but Ana knew she couldn't ignore the fire within her. She balanced her academic pursuits with her passion for reading romance books, a delightful escape into a world of love and imagination.

With determination, Ana decided that she wouldn't let her parents' decisions define her entirely. She would seek out opportunities to express herself creatively, both within the college curriculum and beyond it. She vowed to hold on to her love for darkness and horror, even if it meant carrying it with her like a torch through the unknown.

As the night slowly melted into the early hours of dawn, Ana felt a newfound sense of resolve. She knew that her journey would be filled with challenges, but she was determined to confront them head-on. This was her chance to explore and discover herself, to make her mark on the canvas of her life.

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, determined to find some semblance of rest before the big day. But sleep still eluded her, her mind swirling with thoughts and emotions. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was prepared to fight for her dreams, to paint her own path with the colors of her true self.

The night was long, but Ana felt a glimmer of hope dawn within her heart. Tomorrow was a new day, a chance for her to unfold the pages of her life and create her own story. As the shadows of uncertainty loomed, Ana embraced the darkness in her heart, knowing that it was the guiding light that would lead her towards a future that truly belonged to her.

 As the shadows of uncertainty loomed, Ana embraced the darkness in her heart, knowing that it was the guiding light that would lead her towards a future that truly belonged to her

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