Meeting the team

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Ciaria POV
    It started like normal for me. I woke up, ate breakfast, and got ready for work.  Mr.Nobody told me that I had a huge case that required me to have a team. This was my biggest fear. Working with people can either go well or bad.
     Especially when it comes to me because I'm known to be a bit cocky and egoistic if I may say so. It's only because I've been an agent since I could walk. I was raised in these halls. I come from a family of legends. My family practically built this place. And I'm the only one left to carry on our legacy.
   Anyway, I hope my team isn't a bunch of rookies. They are the worst to work with. Rookies swear they know what's best and will risk their mission just to prove you right.
   Now you probably think that I should give them a chance to prove themselves. And my response is hell no. I train these bastards. I've seen how they react and know every last one of their weaknesses. Rookies are predictable. Simple as that.
  When I walked into the office I saw the top 10 most wanted people in the world standing there.
  "Mr.Nobody, please explain to me why I'm looking at an ex-FBI agent and the 10 most wanted people instead of a bunch of rookies that are supposed to be at my disposal for this case. "
  "Ciaria this is the team you get to work with. I'd like to keep my rookies alive for now. Plus this team has the same goal as you. They want Martinez dead. They are going to help you with this case, that's final."

    "I mean this in the least disrespectful way but you are setting some of them up to fail. I've been in this line of work since diapers. The amount of pain cases like this may cause is something I don't wish on my worst enemy. I lost my family, my friends, and my childhood dealing with these high-level cases. Now you guys have done some great work I'll admit. Some of you guys have a talent that could make you really successful. But sometimes you let your emotions lead you instead of making rational decisions." 

  "Ciaria I wouldn't put them on your team if I knew it wasn't in your best interest. It's time you get some relief. "

    "When one of them gets hurt, it's on you. I'm fine. I'm fine. I got my peace and I swear I'll get revenge for the pain he caused not only me but this organization."

  "Alright just so for shits and giggles, I'm going to skip work with them and see if they could be useful to me. Honestly, at first glance, quite a few of them look like they have a good head on their shoulders. But there are maybe two that will definitely be some issues with. Please for the love of gosh save me that glorified introduction that you've told one too many times to people who don't have enough brain cells to properly function, Letty. I can literally see it as soon as I made the comment about working with you guys. Honestly, I know everything I need to know."
    "See that's where you're wrong. You don't know us. You only assume things."
  "I know you were practically raised with Dominic and Mia because you're mom left your dad who is drunk and couldn't keep a job to save his life. So naturally you and them spent time together which led to you and Dominic catching feelings for one another. Then later getting married.
     I know that in the past Brian used to be an FBI agent in Miami which led to the take down of a local drug load and that he has a sister who is married with two kids. She's a nurse at a local hospital.
   I know that Brian and Mia put distance between themselves when they first met because you insisted she should be with Leon or Vincent. I know that the only thing keeping you alive right now is Dom because in situations like these, you tend to run your mouth and it gets you in trouble."
    "Damn, you really do know us. How did you find out these things?"  Mia said.
    "It's sorta simple. Your files give us a detailed analysis of traumatic events that the Brain tends to block out of a person's core memories."
    "Anyway follow me to your rooms. Go unpack and rest tonight. You have training at 6 tomorrow morning. Don't be late because if you are you have conditioning. Think I'm joking then show up late."
   "So are we really about to let some random chick order us around like she knows how we work? I mean come on we've been on so many missions by ourselves. Have managed to do it all by ourselves without her so what is she going to do for us now?" Said Letty
   Honestly, this chick just rubs me the wrong way. There's something about her that I can't stand. It's probably just her overall ego. Or something more.

    I walked them down the halls where the dormitories were located. I'll let them decide who gets what room. I don't have time to babysit a bunch of criminals.

 "Alright, there is one last thing you should know. I need all phones and other electronic devices. I need to ensure that the safety of this organization is kept. I will not have our systems breached because one of you guys wants to do something stupid." 

Everyone gave up their devices except for Letty of course. 

"I'm not giving up my devices. I need them."

"You know what keep it. I don't have the energy to fight with stupid people. But just so you know I have the power to hack your phone from anywhere in this compound. This is where you guys will be living. If you need anything I'm across the hall." 

    Luke Hobbs POV 

  That woman is a ball of fire. I like that. She looks like the type of person who knows how to hold their own. It's something about her that makes me want to get to know her. Some may think she's cocky but I think it's from being hurt so many times that she doesn't know how to be sympathetic. Her walls are high and I plan on breaking them. Maybe if Dom could get away from Letty, he and I could be what she needs. 

   I picked out my room and started to unpack my things. This compound is nice. It has everything I'd need in it. After unpacking I noticed a box of devices that were given to me by Mr.Nobody and Ciara. I programmed them and went to the living room where Letty was ranting again. Mr.Nobody just sat there like he knew something was going to happen.

  "Who does that girl think she is? Like seriously she's a bitch. She doesn't know a thing about anybody. Just because our files may say something doesn't mean she walked in our shoes or saw what we've seen. She better not ever talk to us again like she did earlier."

  "Letty if I were you I'd really watch what you say about Ciara. She'll know when you bad mouth her and trust me that won't be a pretty situation." 

  Without missing a beat Ciara walked in. This woman could put the fear of god in any man. You could when she's pissed. and this was one of those times.

  "I wanna know what's going to happen if I do just so happen to talk to y'all like I did earlier. Please do tell me because here's one thing you need to know. I'm going to always be blunt and brutally honest. Your being here is temporary. My job and place here are permanent. Also, you may want to start checking your surroundings because I've been standing in your corridor for 10 minutes." 

   And just like that chaos started. Letty punched Ciara in the face. After that Letty never got another hit in. Ciara moved like lighting. It quite literally took every man in the room to get her off. Even then she manages to somehow knock each guy on our ass. This girl has quite the punch. 

  "Ciara go get some rest training start tomorrow." 

"Let this be a warning to everyone. Training starts tomorrow at 5 am. If you think I'm taking it easy then you're wrong. It's time for some hardcore military workouts."

  She walks out this time and goes to her apartment. I eat some dinner then head to bed. 

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