Chapter Eight: Hathaway

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I, Hiro Holmes tear through the night, my brown wisps flapping against my face, I puff, dissembling their army persistently blocking my vision.

The lab is in sight and I instinctively crouch, my footsteps silent.

If my calculations were correct, the doors should be open right now and I would have five minutes to successfully find what I needed.

I did this mission without Elizabeth, she didn't want anything to do with it. That was pretty clear two days ago.

Well what should I have expected.

I was trying to fight creatures that come from the legendary Gerenuk! That was the stupidest thing anyone could do.

So I guess I was stupid.

But I'm still smart enough to know you can't fight something you don't know.

That's why I'm on this mission.

Anonymous hints, suspicious clues, persuaded information, all of that led me to this lab. This is where I know about those creatures.

I pull my hood lower on my head, merging with the darkness of the night.

I am close to the door when I hear a click , and it is shoved open.

I dive behind some bushes, thankful they were near.

A man walks out, a light in hand, he points it at every area, searching the surrounding.

When he points it in my direction, I clearly see his face and curse silently.

It was Martin Hathaway, the owner of the lab, and the head scientist.

The stupid fucking top dog.

When he is satisfied he locks the door, turning around and walking in the opposite direction.

Once he is far from sight, I speed towards the door, dragging the handle. It does not budge. I sigh, exasperated.

Looking for any other way to break in my eyes trail around the lab, all windows were on the last or third floor, totally out of reach.

I sigh, racking my brain for a new plan.

Then my eyes fall on the window on the second floor.
I smile deviously
It was still high and out of reach, but what really makes me smile are the stack of crates next to it, giving me a boost.

I stare at the height for a while calculating the jump, and then I am dashing towards the stack.

In seconds I am flying in the air, my hand a few inches away.

I am so close, but I grip the air and plummet to my death.

But I change my angle to the right, and propel myself against the wall.

I fall roughly on the crates, scraping my arm. Now ontop, the window is perfectly at reach and I stealthily dive inside.

There are papers everywhere like I expected.

Guess I would have to use it after all.
I thought before fishing for something in my pocket,

I drag the piece of paper out and unfold it.

Third floor, on you left. Be careful. It's tricky.

The words are scribbled in excessive cursive, and I once again laugh at the man's handwriting.

I tear out of the room, stealthily passing all the security codes.

Once I reach the third floor I immediately halt.

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