Chapter 1 | Lost

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It the morning, I'm so sleepy.. I wanna get out of bed but i'm too tired to move any of body parts, Maybe I should stay here for 30 mores minutes.

I look at the clock then realized it 11:31 am which mean I MISSED BREAKFAST.

"What!?", "I GOTTA LEAVE THE BED BEFORE EVERYONE THINK I'M DEAD" I said to myself then quickly jump off my bed.

I went to go brush my dark brown hair,put on my green bow to my hair, took my sketchbook and put on my shoes then quickly ran out of my room the fastest I can.

As I ran out my room I hears a voice saying "Kanade", "Kanade where are you"and "Please come back". It sounded like Hibiki voice.

I follow the voice the voice and ended up in the women restroom and see Hibiki crying.

"Hibiki?" I talk to her with a worried look.

Hibiki turn around and saw me "Iroha, what are you doing here?" then I realized she was shaking so much.

"I heard you crying after I left my room also why are you crying and shaking?" I ask her.

"I lost Kanade while we were playing tags and I can't find hers and she might be d-dead" she sobs heavily and fall down to her knee then start sobbing harder.

 "Did you text her on the monopad?" I ask Hibiki with a curious look.

"Y-yes but she didn't respond yet or maybe she will never" Hibiki whimpering while saying that to me.

I went closer to her and sit down "don't worry, there no way she is dead beside she probably can defend herself like those characters in manga if she ever get attack, just think positively" I said to Hibiki thinking it would make her feel better.

"B-But Iroha, what if she couldn't defend herself" Hibiki said to me.

"Nah that like impossible beside everyone is friends to each-other and nobody would like to kill their own friends" I pat Hibiki back multiple times hoping it would make her feel better.

"B-But Syobai and Mikado is not friend with anyone and Syobai he manage to stab Sora in the stomach and she could've have die" Hibiki sobs.

I panic more because I don't really know how to comfort her. "uhh, just ignore him anyways Kanade is totally not dead" I start rubbing her back gently "I will help you find Kanade just please don't cry and think positive" Iroha said to Hibiki with a sad face.

"Do you think is that easy to just stop crying?" Hibiki seems to get a little angry at me.

"EEEK, please don't be mad at me I only was trying to help you" I got jump scare, I didn't want her to get mad at me.

"F-fine, but how can I trust you?" Hibiki ask with a suspicious and curious look but slowly stop sobbing.

"Huh? you think I'm gonna kill you?" I ask her.

"Answer my question" She stares right to my eyes angrily.

"Well uh.. I have no weapons on me" I answer while shivering.

Hibiki crawl toward me then inspecting my body checking if there was any weapons on me to see if she can really trust me. There were no weapons on me obviously. 

Then she finally done inspecting me "Fine I trust you now, just don't get out of my sight until we find Kanade" she stand up and seems to finally stop crying.

I stand up also get up then she closer toward me then grab my right hand.

"EEEK, why are you holding my hand" I ask while blushing and getting a little embarrass.

"So you don't get out of my sight" She answers with an straight face.

"Oh.. okay.." I finally stop shivering "Okay now let's go find Kanade" I told to her and smile at her.

She smile back at me still shaking a little bit but stop shaking eventually.

Searching for Kanade (Hibiki x Iroha/Hibiroha)Where stories live. Discover now