Chapter 3 | Bonding

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Me and Hibiki finally leave the monocruise and arrived outside. The sun was bright and nice and the sky was light blue.

"So which Island you wanna check" I ask Hibiki

"the 2nd Island, I last saw her there while we playing tag" Hibiki voice sound quieter than before, I think that she is still worried for her sister even though she kinda bully her every single chances she get.

"So how did you exactly lost your sister" I curiously ask Hibiki since they always so close to each-other.

"I don't know!" Hibiki yell while visibly being stress "I was It and when I was chasing her, she just ran away from my sight..."

I feel bad for her so I decided to gently pat her on the head with my left hand then she look at me with her eyes and I assume that I got her attention. 

Then I eventually start staring at her eyes for an while.

And her pink eyes look so pretty... And so-

"Uh Iroha..?" Hibiki ask.

"EEEK" I scream. I didn't realized I was zooming out for that long. I wonder if she try to talk to me when I was focusing on her pretty eyes.

"Uh, what is it?" I ask Hibiki.

"Why were you staring at my eyes for that long. You were staring at my eyes for 8 seconds without blinking and is kinda freaking me out" Hibiki told me while crossing her arm.

"Well, I just thought your pink eyes were pretty, sorry" I calmly explain to her and I could feel my cheek were getting a little red"

"You think my eyes is pretty? Thank I guess." Hibiki cheek were getting a little red and I think she was blushing.

"Even though you are kinda weird, I think you are cute" Hibiki smile at me and I think this is the first time I saw her happy today.

Is so nice to see her smile and happy. I like seeing her smile so much.

"Anyways Roro, why did you let go of my hand?" Hibiki ask.

Hibiki look confuse at me but I was even more confuse because who is "Roro". Is it her secret sister? Or maybe is secret child? what how old is Hibiki is? Is she actually a guy? Did Hibiki ever got pregnant?

"Um Roro, can you answer my question" Hibiki talk to me with a even more confuse look than me and she was looking a bit annoyed.

"um, who is Roro?" I ask Hibiki.

"Is YOU silly!" Hibiki pointed at me with a cheerful look at her face. "Do you like your nickname?" Hibiki smile and jump to get closer toward me with a big smile. 

"Well, I guess so." I smile back but my heart start to beat faster when she got closer toward me. 

"Anyways Roro, is time to get back to holding hand, alright?" Hibiki told me.

"Alright" I grab Hibiki hand to continue holding Hibiki hand like she request.

"Let's go search Kanade in T-Mart" Hibiki told me hoping she would find her twin sister.

"Hopefully, we find her" I reply back to Hibiki statement.

Me and Hibiki walked to the T-Mart to order to search for Kanade while holding hand. I like that we start getting along with each-other and becoming friend, is pretty fun when I think about it.

Me and Hibiki finally arrive to T-Mart and we immediately start searching for Kanade to reunited with Hibiki.

"Kanaaaade? KANAAAADE? Cmon and come back to meeeeee." Hibiki start getting a little whiny like those people in manga when they lost someone they like.

I start yelling with her anyways and screaming her sister name Kanade and Kanade over and over again.

We start to walk around in the T-Mart to search for Kanade but we can't find her anyways in the store.

Me and Hibiki keep yelling Kanade name until we both hear someone step in the store.

"Huh? Roro do you hear that" I think Hibiki got scare and I could feel that she was holding my hand tight. I don't really blame her though because is might be a super duper mean person like Syobai enter the store but I gotta keep being positive.

"Yeah I did" I reply back. "But don't worry, is probably just Sora or Teruya entering the store so we gotta stay positive" I gave Hibiki a smile. 

"Alright I guess.. Let's just check who enter the store.. Is could be Kanade." Hibiki reply back.

"Yeah, is could be, hopefully is her." Iroha smile.

Me and Hibiki went to the front door of the store and we saw that is wasn't Kanade but big sis Setsuka.

"SUKAAAAAAA!!" Hibiki let go of my hand and ran toward Setsuka and hug her tight happily.

Words: 767

Searching for Kanade (Hibiki x Iroha/Hibiroha)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora