Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

◎Gift ◎

Luoya actually has no driving experience. Although she read countless articles before crossing, she didn't write much, and she was not very confident in her heart.

However, since it is a birthday present for His Majesty, I should bite the bullet and write QAQ.

In addition to the XX plot, she plans to add some daily plots, and the number of words... No, enrich the character design.

When she got home that night, she began to write furiously - there was no way, it was too shameful to write this kind of text with the voice input method of the magic quill pen, wouldn't it be embarrassing if she was heard by the dark god hearing in the corner again.

Moreover, His Majesty the God of Light lives upstairs in her bedroom, and the voice input is louder, and he may be able to detect it... 

It seems that the reason for writing the God of Light and Humanities, Luo Ya is very inspired. Take off for love.


So a week passed, and she achieved a daily update of 14,300, and created the 100,000-word "Temptation of the Night: God's Lord Lightly Favors".

This kind of article is definitely not suitable for publication, so she has asked Bev in advance to print a few copies herself, and even asked an artist to make an appointment for the cover illustration.

After a race against time, Luo Ya finally packed the fanfic book to be given to the God of Light on the day before God's birthday, tied a beautiful bow, and quietly placed it under his pillow.

I wonder if His Majesty will find out tomorrow morning?

——With this in mind, Luo Ya blew out the candles and lay down on the bed to rest.

Early the next morning, Luo Ya was awakened by the feathers gently brushing her cheeks.

She looked up and saw that the God of Light was sitting beside her bed, looking at her tenderly with his lowered eyes, his body was shrouded in golden morning light, and His big snow-white wings were hanging by his side, very close to her.

What a scene from a dream!

Luo Ya directly hugged her wings and sucked heavily. After a while, she remembered to ask, "Your Majesty, why are you in my room?"

"I prepared breakfast for you myself." Lansfield pointed to the plate next to him, and said in a warm voice, "You didn't answer when you knocked on the door, so I came in without authorization, sorry." Luo Ya shook his head,

" I don't mind, Your Majesty is so kind!"

She sat up from the bed as she spoke, "Can you leave for a while? I'll change my clothes and wash up."

"Okay." Lansfield was stunned for a moment, not knowing why, Luo Ya always felt a slight blush on the tips of her ears.

A quarter of an hour later, Luo Ya tasted the breakfast of love made by under the crown of the God of Light, and while she was full of praise, she said side-by-side: "Today seems to be a special day." Lansfield raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh?"

 Luo Ya walked to the bed at the side, she opened the curtains, "Look, the street is so lively."

She didn't hear the answer, she turned her head and saw the silver-haired beauty resting his chin on one hand, bathed in the soft and holy morning light, his hair and eyelashes were all covered. Dyed in light gold, he looked at her quietly, his ice blue eyes were clear without any impurities.

Luo Ya was slightly startled, but her face turned red, "Why is Your Majesty looking at me like that for?"

Lansfield chuckled, "I received the gift you gave me."

Luo Ya's cheeks turned redder, " haven't read it yet, have you?"

"I stayed up late last night and finished reading it all." The silver-haired god said slowly, "I like it very much, thank you for your gift."

Luo Ya covered her cheeks, " I'll go to eat first It's over!"

After she finished speaking, she fled the room with the plate in hand.

The silver-haired beauty stood at the door, folded her arms, looked down at the girl who was running fast along the spiral staircase, smiled dotingly and shook his head.

After breakfast, Luo Ya mustered up the courage to sneak back.

"Well, Your Majesty... I, I want to invite you to go shopping together!" The blond girl said loudly, "Of course, if you have other things, you can refuse..." The God of Light raised his hand and stroked her fluffy hair, "Why do you think I will refuse?"

Luo Ya puffed up her cheeks, she is no longer a child and still wants to touch her head... But it feels so comfortable to have her head touched by under the crown!

She took two steps back, "I, you...Of course it's because you are a god, and have a lot to do!" "

You seem to have misunderstood the gods." There was a sound behind Luo Ya, and he came to the garden of Luo Ya's house without any surprise at this moment, which was much more natural than appearing in his own home, "In my opinion, the god is probably the most boring guy in the world. Right, Lansfield?"

Lansfield: "..."

He has always disliked communicating with the God of Darkness, and responded with silence.

The Dark God doesn't care too much: "I said Boss Luo Ya, the coffee shop is also on holiday today, why don't you, me, Shaliste, and the old guy, the God of Light, hang out together?" 

Lansfield: " ..."

Luo Ya retorted: "

Your Majesty is not old at all." "Tsk, you don't know his age, he is older than me!" The Dark God counted with his fingers, "It's just... "

Luo Ya couldn't help thinking about a question, how many candles should be put in to celebrate His Majesty's birthday?

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