Chapter 1

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"AND WE'RE BACK FROM COMMERCIAL! LIVE FROM THE LOVELY CITY ITSELF, YOU ARE WATCHING RCW, REPUBLIC CITY WRESTING!! My name is Back Bender Sokka and I am here with my commentary partners for tonight, Avatar Aang and Haru." Sokka was introduced as the camera panned on from the crowd in the underground arena before stopping at the announcing table next to the wrestling ring.

"And what a night we've had tonight eh fellas?" Aang smiled.

"No kidding Aang. What an epic fight we witnessed between Longshot and Hahn! Just when you thought Hahn had it in the bag, the silent hunter pulled it off came back strong, and finished the match with his signature super kick!" Haru said ecstatically.

"Don't forget the match between June and Ty Lee!" Sokka mentioned.

"An amazing fight", Aang agreed, "Ty Lee put her all in the match but against a veteran like June, it wasn't enough, unfortunately."

Right after that was said, the RCW Champion's music blared.

"Had a dream I hadn't made. Now there's nothing that's going to drag me down. B-B-Because I'm going to push them out the way yeah!" The theme music gets the crowd on their feet with excitement and cheer when they see Katara making her entrance.

"And looks who coming right now!" Haru exclaimed, "The RCW Champ herself, Master Katara."

"The now five-time RCW champ since victory last week against the former champion. The Boulder! Not only is she beauty and grace but she's possibly one of the greatest wrestlers we have witnessed here in the company", Aang said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh come on guys! I don't need to hear you guys kissing my sister's ass", Sokka muttered.

"We're just admiring her buddy. Nothing more to it", Haru winked and Aang laughed. The champion herself walked the stairs, stepped through the ropes, and raised her black and gold RCW championship belt high in the air for the crowd to see. The crowd cheered loudly for her much to her satisfaction. She had taken the microphone given to her by a ringside production assistant and stood at the center of the ring.

"REPUBLIC CITY MAKE SOME NOISE!!" The crowd of 50,000 cheered for her again before she continued, "I told ya'll I was going to win this belt back and I did!"

"She did indeed", Aang remarked.

"Spirits Aang could you be any more of a brown-nose?" Sokka rolled his eyes.

"Well if it's your sister then—"


Back in the arena, Katara let out a deep sigh.

"There's something I need to let off my chest now. I made a promise to myself last week before my match against The Boulder...I promised myself that I would be honest about my feelings with someone I've been close to for all these years." Katara spun around, making sure to look at all the faces watching her tonight. She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath to gather her courage, and opened them as she turned towards the announcer's table. Specifically, towards Aang in the middle.

"Aang could you please come up here?" Katara requested.

The request was unexpected, but he nodded and took off his headphones. He stood up, walked around the table, and stepped into the ring.

"Uhhhh what's happening here?" Sokka wondered.

The two stood together at the center. Aang mouthing his words, 'Is everything all right?' Katara continued speaking into the microphone as she gazed at him.

"We've known each other since we were children. You have always been someone I could talk to any time about anything, always there for me when I needed someone by my best friend in the whole world."

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