Chapter 2

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"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the ThunderSlam halftime show!" Meng started, seated at the center of the panel. "With me, I have the hall of fame alumni group, the White Lotus, here with me to talk about the upcoming fatal four-way main event match of the night."

At Meng's left sat Iroh, Pakku, and Bumi. Each legends who made their mark in Republic City Wrestling.

"Happy to be here Meng", Iroh greeted.

"Glad to hear it, sir. Also with us is the new upcoming inductee to the RCW hall of fame, Southern Water tribe chief and former three-time RCW champion and five-time world tag team champion, Son of the legendary wrestler Kanna, Katara and Sokka's father, Chief Hakoda!"

The white lotus and Meng clapped for the new inductee.

"Thank you for having me on the panel", Hakoda said with an appreciative tone.

"Happy to have you here Hakoda", Meng replied and glanced around at the table. From her earpiece, she received a transmission.

"What's that?" then Meng squealed, "OH MY GOSH! BREAKING NEWS EVERYONE! A new stipulation has been added to the fatal four-way main event tonight. Since both the RCW and world heavyweight champions are in the match, the title belts will also be on the line tonight! Tonight, we will see for the first time in history, we will have an undisputed RCW World Heavyweight Champion!"

Everyone on the panel clapped and whistled at the news.

"Gentlemen, with that out of the way, what are your thoughts on the main event tonight?"

"Allow me to begin with how this transpired", Hakoda started, "Ever since my daughter and Avatar Aang were children, I could see that they had a special connection. My family and I knew this was coming for a long time. I don't know what Zuko was thinking intervening like he did. What should have been an incredible moment for my daughter and future son-in-law was ruined by him."

"And to think this all started last week when Katara decided to confess her feelings to Aang. What could have been a sweet moment turned into a whole other thing when Zuko arrived. Iroh, thoughts on your nephew's abrupt love confession to Aang?" Meng asked.

"I'm sorry if you are feeling upset, Hakoda but because your daughter knew Aang longer does not make him entitled to her. Before the world knew, my dear nephew had confided in me and my son, Lu Ten, of his feelings for the Avatar. He told me of his plans to talk to Aang in private about it but it seems Master Katara was the first to act unfortunately for him. It was now or never for him," Iroh answered.

Meng nodded, "and he and Katara had some choice words for each other until their ex-boyfriend, Jet, threw himself into the fray with HIS own love confession to Aang. Not going to lie fellas, but I kind of ship them."

"To each their own I suppose", Bumi spoke up. "It was even crazier to see Toph wanting in on the action. She's in it for her own selfish reason which I must respect. When Beifong wants something then she'll take it as we've seen before. She's made that known since winning the 'King of the Ring' tournament! Can we get a playback on that amazing promo she did?"

As requested, the screen changed to the aftermath of the tournament. Toph had beaten Zhao and was being interviewed by Xin Fu as she sat on the throne.

"Congratulations Toph! You have become the new RCW King of the Ring! An incredible victory!" Xin Fu started.

"Yeah, yeah" Toph responded and pointed back to the ring where Zhao remained, "The first thing I want to be done is getting that piece of crap out of my ring!'

Zhao was already being carried by the referees out of the ring and heading to the back.

"Don't just take him to the back, take him out of RCW!" Toph continued. "Because I've proved son, that you ain't got what it takes anymore. You sit there and thump your family history, talking about your legacy and praying to your ancestors for victory but guess what! It didn't get you anywhere. Talk about your history. Talk about taking the moon on some Zhao 1:20 shit. Beifong 2:06 says I just whooped your ass!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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