Prologue: Whispers of the rooftop

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"In the ethereal embrace of cherry blossoms, I find strength to tame the tempest within, for even amid a storm of identities, love and compassion bloom as my guiding stars."

High above the bustling city, I lay upon the forbidden rooftop, hidden in the quiet corners of my mind. My thoughts, like cherry blossom petals, floated gently across my consciousness, carried by the wind that whispered secrets of the world below.

The school's rooftop, a forbidden haven for students, was my escape from the suffocating walls of reality. Here, I could dream, drift away to distant lands, and immerse myself in a realm of imagination. The world seemed softer, kinder, when viewed from this vantage point.

My eyes traced the shapes of the clouds as they danced across the azure canvas of the sky. They took on different forms – a soaring dragon, a cascading waterfall, and a laughing child – enchanting me with their ever-changing story.

In the silence of the rooftop, memories of my mother embraced me like a warm summer breeze. She was the gentle hum in the background of my life, a presence that had once filled every corner of my world. But now, she existed only in the whispers of my heart.

"Oh, Mom," I whispered, my voice carried away by the wind. "I miss you so much."

The rooftop's cool surface cradled my body, offering a momentary respite from the weight of loss that seemed to grow heavier with each passing day. My mind wandered to the memories we shared – her laughter, her wisdom, and the way her eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky.

Graduation approached, a milestone I wished to celebrate with her. But life had other plans, and now I was left navigating this rite of passage without her by my side. It was a chapter I had never imagined writing alone.

My fingers traced invisible patterns in the air as I daydreamed. In my mind's eye, I soared through the skies on the back of a mythical dragon, exploring worlds beyond imagination. I became a hero, a knight in shining armor, saving kingdoms and facing dragons of my own.

Time seemed to stand still as I lost myself in the realm of my thoughts. The world around me faded, and I became one with the dreamscape that unfolded within. Here, there were no tears, no pain – only boundless possibilities.

But as the footsteps echoed towards me, the dream began to crumble like sand slipping through my fingers. Reality invaded my sanctuary, and I sat up, my heart quickening in response to the intrusion.

Who could be coming up here, where students were forbidden? Were they a teacher, seeking to put an end to my secret haven? Or perhaps a classmate, unaware of the hidden spot I cherished?

My gaze darted towards the rooftop entrance, searching for a glimpse of the approaching figure. My pulse throbbed in my ears, and I tried to steady my breathing, but the uncertainty gripped me tightly.

The footsteps drew nearer, and my heart pounded with both relief and surprise as the rooftop door creaked open. Stepping into view was Haruki Tanaka, my closest friend since early childhood. His warm, emerald green eyes met mine with a knowing glint, as if he had followed the invisible trail that led him to this forbidden haven.

"Takashi," he said, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "I knew I'd find you up here."

I chuckled softly, my earlier anxiety fading in the comfort of his presence. Haruki and I had shared countless adventures and secrets over the years, and it seemed he could always find me whenever I sought solace.

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