Chapter Seven: Obligations in the Air

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"Embrace the uniqueness that resides within you, for it is the spark that lights your path to authenticity and empowers the world with the beauty of your true self."

As the sun's golden rays filtered through the delicate curtains of my bedroom, a warm glow spread across the room, gently rousing me from my slumber. Stretching luxuriously, I relished the tranquil start to the day, the calmness of the morning wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. Yet, the tranquility was fleeting as distant echoes of heightened voices began to seep through the air. An uneasy feeling tugged at my heart as I recognized the familiar cadence of my parents' heated arguments resonating from the lower floors of our home.

With a heavy sigh that seemed to encapsulate my emotions, I slid out of bed, my feet meeting the cool surface of the wooden floor. It was as if the very atmosphere in our home had shifted, charged with the electric energy of conflict. The conflicts that had become a disheartening refrain in recent times, revolving around my aspirations and the paths I envisioned for myself, were once again taking center stage. Preparing myself for the emotional storm that awaited, I made my way downstairs, hoping to mediate the situation before it spiraled into something more destructive.

The living room, usually a haven of shared memories and laughter, now bore the weight of an unspoken tension that hung thick in the air. My father's brows were knitted together in a tangled web of frustration, etching lines onto his otherwise composed face. On the other side of the room, my mother's expression was a blend of exasperation and deep concern, her lips pressed into a thin line. With a resolve bolstered by the weight of the situation, I entered the room, my steps steady but my heart a cacophony of emotions.

"What's happening?" I inquired, my voice a calculated balance between curiosity and unease.

My father's gaze shifted towards me, the frustration etched on his face transforming into an unwavering resolve. The room seemed to tighten around us, suffocating me with the impending weight of his words. "Ryota, we must confront the matter of your future."

I steeled myself for the all-too-familiar lecture, a recurring refrain in my life that echoed each time our paths diverged. "Dad, we've treaded down this road before. Writing is my passion, and I wholeheartedly believe it can pave the way to a fulfilling career."

A deep sigh escaped him, mingling with an undercurrent of impatience that tinged his voice. "Ryota, I'm not blind to your talent as a writer. But we cannot afford to disregard reality. Writing and engrossing yourself in books cannot monopolize your attention. You require a secure profession to lean on."

My own frustration surged, ignited by the collision of my fervent dreams with my father's unyielding pragmatism. "Dad, you fail to comprehend. Writing is more than an idle pastime for me. It forms the core of my identity, the conduit through which my thoughts and emotions flow. I am resolute in my intention to shape it into a career."

An intervention, gentle yet poignant, emanated from my mother's compassionate voice. It wrapped the edges of our conversation in a cocoon of empathy and concern. "Ryota, your father's perspective stems from his deep care for you. He's haunted by the uncertainties that accompany a creative journey."

I cast my gaze downwards, entwining my fingers as my thoughts wove an intricate tapestry of sentiment and words. "Mom, I am grateful for your concern. But I implore both of you to recognize that my passion defies the boundaries of a mere hobby. Writing is my life's purpose, the guiding star that illuminates my path."

My father's demeanor softened, lines of anxiety smoothing into a wearied understanding. "Ryota, I acknowledge your unwavering commitment and the intensity of your fervor. However, it's paramount that you appreciate the hurdles that line the path you've chosen."

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