[TMNT OC] snuggles and first i love you's.

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this was also done in the fall of 2022

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this was also done in the fall of 2022. 

and there's a short imagine/oneshot to go with it, which i will have written below. :3 

tumblr again saw it first, but my tumblr is rated mature and is for 18+ only. so if you're a minor, check out my instagram instead because that's perfectly safe. 

tumblr 18+ only: fluffytriceratops. 

main instagram: fluffytriceratops. 

sending all the love and virtual hugs to you! 

- LF/Fluffy. <3 


here's the imagine: 

It was her smile that drew him to her, but it was her laugh that stole his heart.

He had been having a shitty day. Nothing was going the way he wanted it to, his brothers weren't listening to him, Master Splinter whooped their asses in training, and he didn't get a decent nights sleep thanks to an awful patrol the night before. To say that Raphael was in a bit of a bad mood was an understatement. So he scowled to himself as he poured a glass of lemonade, heating some leftover pizza in the microwave. And that's when he heard a wonderfully melodic sound.

Kristina was laughing. It was a genuine, heart throbbing burst of giggles. The kind where you're laughing so hard that you can't breathe, and your stomach aches from the force of the chortles. The kind where your eyes sting with tears, and you end up having to brace yourself on something because if you don't you're sure to fall over. (That something turned out to be Donatello, who caught the brunette in surprise as she stumbled into him-)
Soft snorts managed to slip out of the female, and she slapped a hand over her mouth in embarrassment.

Raph was starring at her, eyes wide, mouth agape, lemonade spilling over the brim of his glass and onto the floor. Completely entranced with the merry sound. Kristina had mentioned before that she hated her laugh, it was one of her insecurities. But Raphael loved it. He thought she was utterly adorable. And every time he managed to make her laugh, he counted it as a victory. It didn't even matter that it was Donnie who had squeezed the sound out of her. Normally he might be a bit jealous, but in this moment, he didn't care. It was like all his anger and tension had disappeared without a trace and all he was left with was the heavy pounding of his heart. And the blush spreading on his face.

"Awe, looks like someone has a crush~" Leonardo purred, chin resting in the palm of his hand as he smirked towards his brother tauntingly. Raphael snapped out of his trance and immediately stopped pouring lemonade. His face grew even hotter and he quickly turned and placed the jug on the counter. Large hands fumbling with a paper towel roll as he tried to clean up the mess he made.

"D-Don't be ridiculous! Kristina is my best friend is all." He brushed it off, refusing to think more than that.

"Riiight- and that's why you've been starring at her for the past few minutes-" Raph slipped and fell to the floor, paper towels going everywhere, the roll hitting him in the head and rolling across the floor. Leo bit his lip in a poor attempt to control his laughter, watching as his big brother pouted. Truth be told he looked like a little kid who had just been scolded.

Leo walked over and bent down in front of him, lifting the paper towel that was draped over his head. "Ooh, you've got it bad."


The next week, his brother's teased him relentlessly for liking Kristina. Something he continued to deny over and over again. By the end of the week it got so bad that they had started teasing him in front of her too.
Of course she was oblivious to this. Kristina tended to be a bit dense, she wasn't great with people or emotions, so certain things tended to fly right over her head.

Raphael's face was pulled into a scowl as he entered the lair, his brother's trailing behind him. Another mission gone wrong. Another of his plans failed. Another patrol filled with the teasing comments from his younger brothers of his everlasting love for his female companion. At this point he was tired, sore, frustrated, and confused.

"Man, that was rough." Mikey whined, rubbing his head tiredly.

"Tell me about it. We got our asses whooped tonight." Leo added, mask hanging around his neck loosely as he trudged to his room.

"Hey, anyone see Kristina?" Donnie glanced around, looking for the brunette who had stayed behind, opting to read in his lab instead of going home. The brother's shared a couple glances, all turning their gaze to Raph who had his back facing them. He had just finished chugging a bottle of water, oddly silent compared to normal. When he realized they were looking to him for answers, the big himbo sighed and turned to face them. "She probably just went home. I'll text her and see if she got there safely." He didn't allow room for further conversation as he left and made his way to his own room.

Raphael pulled out his phone, the screen lighting up his face in the darkness of the lair. He was just about to hit send to the text he typed when a figure caught his eye. Turns out, he didn't need to text Kristina, cause she was right in front of him. Completely passed out on his bed. Her book was lying open on her chest, and she had a bit of drool dribbling down the corner of her mouth. She was curled up in one of his blankets, the sight nearly made him swoon. Raph's heart fluttered and he took in a shaky breath at the sight. Turning his phone off and placing it on a nearby table, he walked towards her as silently as possible.
Using a single finger, he pushed some of her long hair out of her face. Allowing his digit to linger against her soft, warm skin. Out of instinct, she nuzzled into his touch. His heart nearly shot out of his chest at that. Raph couldn't help but stare down at her in awe. She was so beautiful. He remembered the first time she had smiled at him. He was sure there wasn't a smile nearly as bright as hers. He loved everything about her. Even her faults and flaws. He just.. He loved her.

Oh fuck. Holy shit. He loved her. His brother's were right. HE LOVED HER! HE LOVED KRISTINA! His eyes watered at the realization and Raph couldn't help but smile. Without warning, a soft churr managed to escape him. And he winced at the sight of her pretty brown eyes squinting open. "Shit- Sorry, I didn't mean to wake ya." He whispered, face turning a lovely shade of red. Surely to put his mask to shame. Kristina only smiled at him, grabbing his hand as he started to pull it away.

"S'okay. Come." She mumbled in her tired state, tugging on him in a silent plea to join her as she sat up to make room. Raphael's face only reddened more, and he stammered over his words. "I uh- I- I don't think-"

"Please?" How could he say no to her soft brown eyes? With a curt nod, he lowered himself down onto his bed and allowed her to climb on top of him. It was a little awkward, but she made it eventually. Slowly, Kris lowered herself down and nuzzled into his neck. Just like before, a churr left him without warning. He was sure she could hear the erratic beating of his heart.

"Kristina?" He whispered, wondering if she had fallen back asleep already.

"Hmm?" She hummed in reply.

Raph was hesitant with his next set of words. Wondering if he should even say what was running through his head right now. "I... I think I like you."

She tilted her head back and peeked up at him. An adoring smile practically glued to her cute pout. "I think I like you too."

In that moment Raph was certain, Kristina Lennox had taken his heart. And he'd be damned if he ever got it back. 

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