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i just had sex imma bout to eat nachos ~ !

if you know what that's from i will forever love you. (◍>◡<◍)⋈。✧♡

as the title states, this is an art book. X‿X

i swear/cuss, i draw mature things sometimes, which includes gore and nudity. just a wee little warning for you. ('ε` )

my art is trash, but i'm going to post it anyways! woo, let's get it! ╭(ʘ̆~◞౪◟~ʘ̆)╮

if you want to see more of my art you can also stalk me on instagram , tumblr, twitter, and deviantart, i post a lot more on insta and tumblr than anything else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(there is a link under my bio that will lead you to everywhere you can find me. which includes the sites I named above—).

my instagrams: [i have 2] - fluffytriceratops & liilfluffie (the former is solely for my bnha (my hero academia) oc's. so if that's something that interests you, feel free to check it out!)
twitter: fluffyistired.
tumblr (which is 18+ only): fluffytriceratops.
deviantart: FluffyTriceratops.

here's a little more information about me incase you were curious:


-21 yrs of age

-self taught artist

-currently the program i use for my digital art is procreate (tho for my older art the program i used was medi-bang paint, I've also used ibis paint and fire alpaca but I've always preferred medi-bang or fire alpaca for the free options)

that's all for now folks! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy my art! (˵ ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°˵)ノ⌒♡*:・。.


-lf/fluffy <3

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