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It's near 3 am and you can sleep , you've been staring the ceiling for the past two hours. You got out of the room for a walk to the library because you were bored.
Next to the library there's a big corridor, out of a sudden you heard a weird noise coming from here and you went to see if anyone else was awake to keep you company

It was Trix !!

As soon as they saw you they started running and you went after them. First thing that came to your mind was to call your friends for help.

Y/N : Stella !! Wake up !! Trix are here , i named your help ! wake up the others !

Stella: huh ? yeah i will , she said half sleeping

You ended up having them trapped in the yard.

Icy : Don't even try to fight us , you have no chance of winning, she said sarcastically

Then you transformed and started fighting them .
Bloom came first to help you .
They realize that they wouldn't be able to win you with Bloom by your side so they captivated her

While you were trying to save Bloom your first level up to Enchantix happened !!
Your wings are colorful in pastel colors and your clothes have a light shade of purple

With your new update power you managed to save Bloom and win Trix !!
They were so furious with you , back to their school they are thinking of a way to humiliate you for defeating them, they can't believe that they lost from a little fairy

At Alfea everyone was cheering for you !

Bloom : You were amazing out there ! I can't believe you won your power from saving me , i was literally speechless!!
Y/N : I would never have believed if you had told me that I would win these witches , i surprised myself too ! , you laughed
Stella : well we all knew you were capable of doing it

Mrs Faragonda was looking at you from her office's window , she didn't help anyone even though she should have, maybe she wanted to watch you in a battle...

The next morning your classes started , you chose to start with potionology.
You wear a white crop top with black midi skirt and black boots.

In class :

Stella : did you knew that Trix were looking for a book last night?
Y/N : no , what was that book about?
Stella : i literally no idea , i heard tho that it is a very ancient one , that's why they were here , at the library
Y/N : Did they found it ? why would they risk their reputation at their school just for a book ?
Stella : they didn't , i don't know Y/N something doesn't stick to me very well...

After class finished you returned to your room , you laid down to rest a bit before starting your study. Then your phone rang , it was Techna !

Techna : hey Y/N , can you send me the notes from today's lesson cause i was feeling kinda sick and i was absent
Y/N: yeah sure , give me a second to find them ... are you feeling better now?
Techna : i'm not sure actually, she laughed
Y/N : haha alright i send them , take care
Techna : thank you so much !!

On your way to your bed you notice a big envelope on your bedside table
It was from Mrs Faragonda

Dear YIN,
i'm very sorry to inform you that mrs Griffin asked me to expell you from our school due to your actions and behavior against her students, what you did was very wrong and unacceptable for an Alfea student, i want to speak with you as soon as possible, we need to discuss a lot of things
with respect
Headmistress Faragond

You kept looking at the letter again and again, you can't believe in your eyes,

- but i didn't do anything, is this a Trix's trick to take revenge on me ? i can't be expelled! My parents will be so disappointed in me , i have to talk to Faragonda -

Later that day you visited her office...

you sat down and still she wasn't talking but looking at you angrily

she said:
Faragonda : i wouldn't believe if any of the witches from cloud-tower would have told me that you tried to hurt them but now? their headmistress, Griffin was outraged , especially with you Y/N
Y/N: i would lie if i say to you that i know what you're talking about mrs Faragonda
Faragonda : do you think this is a joke Y/ N? you expose me and my school!! and the thing is that i can't even imagine why would you act like that?

at the moment you were really worried about the situation...

Y/N: can you please tell me what did i do? i'm telling you the truth that i haven't done anything bad !!
Faragonda : so, mrs Griffin has told me that you made a secret visit at their school, 3 days ago, at night, according to her sayings you tried to steal some of her girls power something that's against our rules and our morals and not that being enough you also steal a very ancient book with spells that contains black magic that is forbidden ages now

your stomach dropped while she accused you for all these...

YIN: what ? me? i would never do such things, mrs Faragonda i've never went anywhere else except from the lake, i don't know who accused me or why they accused me in the first place but i can assure you that i'm innocent
Faragonda : Y/N, witches saw you leaving with that book, i couldn't search for it in your room until i talk to you , i want to believe you but there are so many witnesses that i can't

Faragonda : you know tho that the book would be useless with out witch power but again you managed to steal some of that too and i'm very worried about you too, you don't know how to use your power and you now have something stronger in you , something you know nothing about
Y/N: i have none of them two, you can come and search for that book and see for yourself that i have nothing to do with this nonsense
Faragonda : alright, lead the way then...

After a while of searching she found it
you couldn't believe in your eyes...
cloud-tower's book was hidden in your room

Y/N: it can't be... mrs
Faragonda i have the slightest idea what is this or what is it doing in here !!
Faragonda : you're really waiting for me to believe you when i'm holding the evidence? i need explanations and you don't have a lot of time to find some, if you don't tell me the truth by noon, you're free to pack your things and leave

And that's it, you standing here one step away from loosing your mind

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