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You didn't remember how beautiful your castle was , there was diamonds everywhere, at the walls , at the floor even hanging from the ceiling

Valtor led you in a huge library

Y/N: why are we here?

Valtor: we have to find the book your grandma wrote about how you are going to take the crown once for all

Y/N: why did she wrote a book?

Valtor: because she knew she was going to be killed by your parents

Y/N: now you're speaking nonsense

Valtor: am i? do you know how or why your grandmother died?

he is right, they suddenly told you one day that she died but you were too young to care to ask why

Y/N: tell me

Valtor: as i have already told you Trix's ancestors made a visit to your planet but their intentions were not to destroy him, they came to bring a gift, aka your power, they also had a deal with your grandmother that i don't know a lot about your grandmother wanted to make you the queen from a very young age cause she knew that her daughter was very weak and unable to take the lead of a whole planet, the ancestors gave you the power before your parents interruption, once they got what had happened they start fighting the ancestors, this fight ended up in a war and a lot of innocent people died ,
after your parents lose they tried to take revenge on your grandmother ,she protected herself in the library with a strong spell so that she could write the book for you , she contacted me about it before she got killed

You burst into tears, you can't believe that your parents have done these horrible things

Valtor: we need to find that book princess, you have to take your planet back, all these years your parents kept you away so that they could take advantage of the people here

after hours of searching you finally find it , it was a big black book with a huge stone in the middle

Valtor : You're the only one who can read it , it also has a sort of spell that the book doesn't allow anyone to read it except you , if i try to read it, it seem empty , but when you do ...

He was right, the book in front of you was full

Back in Alfea ....

Dian : Girls i needed to talk to you , Y/N was captivated by Valtor , he is the most evil man in this universe and i am so afraid for my daughter, i need you to tell me everything you know about this situation

Leyla : well , i don't really think he kidnapped her actually...

Dian : what do you mean ?

Leyla : she had talked to us before leaving and she didn't seem to be afraid of him or thinking of any way to protect herself from him

Stella : plus a lot of her stuff are missing

Dian : that's impossible, all her stuff is here , look , her pj's , her laptop

Stella : can you show me her clothes ? or her beloved stuff animals ?

Dian : oh gosh... it can be...

Bloom : what ? did you find anything

Dian : i-i have to go , thank you for your help

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