Chapter 18

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Melody was in a different house, a house she didn't remember ever been. The furniture was dark, modern and for some moments she imagined herself living there. It was dark outside. She turned around to have a better look of where she was. Immediately, her eyes locked on a figure standing a few feet from her.

His back was turned to her but she could see that he was taller than her. His hair was black and disheveled. His broad, powerful shoulders were calling for her touch. Her fingers shook with anticipation.

Carefully to not make a noise, she took a step in his direction. He didn't move and she continued her silent walk. Once she was behind him, she put her right hand on his arm, like silently begging for him to turn. She wanted to see his face. The man that every night consumed her dreams. He felt warm under her touch. From this distance, she could smell his masculine and aphrodisiac scent.
It was so strong that she felt her knees weaken.

Mel wanted him so bad. When she thought he would turn around and satisfy her curiosity, he disappeared.

Melody woke up sweating and breathing hard.

What was that? Who is he?

She had to find out what was going on in her life. She had to find answers for these dreams.

Maybe is just what Martha said... I am craving a man's touch. But why do I feel I'm falling in love with someone that isn't even here? Someone I can't see...

She was confused. Since Saturday, Mel couldn't stop her erotic thoughts about the man that plagued her, night and day.

She continued her life as usually. Making the exams and working but she found herself lost sometimes, like her life was lacking a major piece.

Deciding she had to get up and start her day, she went to take a shower. The warm water relaxed her body but had not the same effect on her soul.

Melody went to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. She put two slices of bread to toast and turned around, knowing she wasn't alone anymore. She had the urge to know who this guy was and see if he was the same of her dreams.

"Where are you?" Mel asked, her voice sounding around her apartment.

Airio sat on a stool making his presence known. He saw Melody approach him slowly. He didn't move. He just stared at her while she position herself in front of him. Her hand went to touch him and he grabbed it. He couldn't get tired at the sensations she gave him. She felt so good, so right underneath his touch.

"Let me touch your face, let me try to see who you are." She pleaded. He found himself lifting her hand to his face. He wanted her to feel him, to know more about his looks. He gently placed her hand on his left cheek.

Melody thought he would deny her request but when he moved her hand up she felt her heart beating faster.

She felt her hand touch something. It was warm and she closed her eyes to feel better. He had a strong square jaw with some light beard. Her fingers traced the line to his forehead an went down, tracing the pattern of his long nose. She hesitated some moments until her fingers fond his lips. They were full and seamed seductive to her.

Airio kissed her fingers gently sending sparks down her body. Melody opened her mouth to breath for the sensation took every air from her.

"Kiss me." She breathed out.

Airio was taken aback by her. He wanted to do that a long time ago. He took her hand and placed it on his neck while he bend down to have his first taste of the human. The moment their lips connected, Melody let out a moan of pleasure. He kissed her lightly, afraid that she got scared of him. His hands went to her waist to pull her even closer.

Melody's hand went to his hair and she felt she recognized it. She was sure he was in fact the man from her dreams. She couldn't see his face clearly but now she could imagine it, and he was handsome to her.

He licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth to him. His tongue flipped inside and he teased hers. He growled possessively. She had to be his. She was perfect, every part of her was the epitome of beauty, her physics, her soul, everything.

They pulled apart trying to catch their breaths.

Melody was blushing and that made Airio's smile bigger.

"That was amazing..."

In that moment, Airio sensed that someone was calling him from his world. He had to return now.

He gave Melody a kiss on her forehead and departed.

Melody was confuse for some moments. Had it been real or just another crazy, intensive and passionate dream?

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