Death of the Bounty Hunter

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Two years later... 3 ABY

Third pov:

"So you want me to go to this new 'Earth' and capture three force-users who killed one of your Inquisitors?" The bounty hunter said adjusting his floppy hat through the hologram call. The hooded figure nodded. "Earth has already claimed two of my assassins." A gravelly, yet raspy voice came from the dark robed figure. 

"Lord Vader is dead?" The bounty hunter said in surprise. "Yes. Died whilst piloting his TIE fighter. A Sky Fighter pilot took out the entirety of Lord Vader's squadron by herself, goes by the name of Mara Jade. You will be richly rewarded if your bring all four here to me." The robed figure looked coldly towards the hologram, gold eyes nearly boring holes through the hologram itself. 

"Anything else, Lord Sidious?" Sidious looked at him, hands folded towards his chest. "No. See that you do not fail me, Cad Bane. It would end badly for you." Bane smiled cruelly and ended the transmission with a nod, disappearing into the projector.

Lord Sidious looked through his new superweapons glass window into the expanse of nothingness that might as well have gone into eternity. "One day I WILL have my revenge, Skywalker. Every Jedi will be crushed from existence and you will be nothing."

Luke Skywalker pov:

I ended the transmission with Aayla, and looked over at Ahsoka who was meditating. Ahsoka opened her eyes and looked at me. "Well? What news?" Ahsoka raised an eyebrow questionably. "Do you remember the planet that Aayla discovered about two years ago? It would seem that the Empire found it too, but," I paused and Ahsoka tipped her head to the side confused. "...There is a strong rebellion there now. Aayla has trained THREE force-users to become Jedi. Aayla thinks that with our help, we can take back a system called the 'Milky Way' and force the Empire out of its processing facilities." I finished and Ahsoka got up. 

"Well then, let's pay a visit to this rebellion on Planet Earth then, shall we?" Ahsoka said getting up. I followed her to the hangar where her T-6 Shuttle sprang to life. I walked over to my X-wing and followed suit, leading up out of orbit and jumping into Hyperspace.

Kasana pov:

I ducked from out of cover and fired twice, three times, downing two Stormtroopers that were charging at us. An old Clone wars era ARC-170 flew over, strafing the advancing Stormtroopers. Aayla vaulted the boulder, blue lightsaber flashing and deflecting blaster bolts. I threw a detonator and a Scout trooper patrol went flying. The rest of the Imperial forces started to retreat back to the Jungle Refinery that they had commandeered after losing the city to the rebellion. Tiran and Light halted the Rebels trying to pursue the Imperials and they slowed, occasionally firing off a blaster bolt or two at the fleeing Imperial forces.

Aayla deactivated her lightsaber and walked up to me. "You okay?" Aayla's voice sounded far away and I continued to look at the Scout troopers that were lying on the ground. I got up slowly and pointed. Aayla looked where I was pointing and looked back at me puzzled. "What is it?" Aayla asked, "It's just some Scout troopers." 

 I walked over to one of them, not bothering to answer Aayla. I leaned down and took the weapons and placed them in a pile a suitable distance away. I removed the helmet from one of them and hissed through my teeth. 

I looked up at Aayla forlornly. "I know who these Scout troopers are. And I killed them." I said bleakly. Aayla stared at me in shock, but as she opened her mouth to answer one of the Scout troopers stirred and sat up with a gasp. Looking at me and Aayla in shock before fumbling for a weapon. I held up my DC-17 and the Scout trooper looked at it slowly before raising a leather clad glove in a show of surrender. "What's your name?" I asked. The Scout trooper placed two hands on the almost-new helmet and removed it.

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