chapter 2

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Geminitay POV

I glanced at the area i spawned in. I could see a huge wall that blocked me from a.... tower with frogs on it? And in my inventory there was SKULK?! Gosh... i need to find lizzie. And what is this outfit? Seriously Cleo. Leg warmers, a leotard and a headband. what is this, the 80's? I sighed. Let's do this then. I hope that Lizzie is ok, being warped from Empires to Limited Life might be hard if she hasn't warped worlds before. I decided to go and check on her, and also visit some people i hadn't talked to in a while. Scar and Bdubs were told of this swap, but i don't think anyone else was. i think maybe Joel was told about Lizzie's swap? oh well, i'll figure that out later, tight now i need to find out what is unstable and fix it. They really should have gotten Mumbo or Xisuma to do this, I'm no good when its to do with coding or redstone.

I walked down the stony hill and towards the wall when Scar and Bdubs came running up "Mom!" Bdubs yelled as he ran up. "Son!" i smiled, playing the character. i turned to face Scar "Favourite son!" i knew to act like this because i had been observing Cleo for short while, but i don't know much. i still don't know why they put Lizzie in the Australian's body but oh well, she will have to try. Bdubs pouted and looked up at me "That was mean mum!" He crossed his arms and i had to suppress a giggle. "Sorry son." i watched as Etho came walking up to us "Cleo" he greeted curtly "Etho." i replied, nodding in greeting. "HI DAD!" Bdubs yelled, pushing past me. "Hello Bdubs! how is my son" he smiled warmly. i rolled my eyes at his ac- im getting to caught in this character. 

"Etho what are you doing here?" i asked, looking him up and down. "I'm here to visit my sons, something wrong with that?" He replied annoyed. "Well its funny how you are only visiting them now, after leaving me to raise them alone." i retorted, giggling to myself. "Are you ok? you sound sick." he asked, looking at me "I'm great, still don't like you very much." i replied. After a 'nice' family dinner, Etho left with Scar and bdubs turned to me seriously.  "Scar has turned red, which means he can kill all of us" Bdubs reminded me, looking me dead in the eyes. "hes not gonna kill us, hes our favourite son, i mean my favourite son." i said calmly, feeling slightly unsure. "just watch your back, he can turn so fast. " Bdubs warned, before leaving to go with his dad. 

After a while Liz- i mean Pearl came to visit me. "Pearl, you realise by coming here you are a prisoner, im a clocker and you are a nosy neighbour. you are not allowed to leave." i told Pearl when i saw Bdubs and Scar outside.  "i didnt realise i was a prisoner. of course. how silly of me." Pearl responded, taking a seat at the table. "it was obvious i was being held for ransom, i should have picked up on that earlier." Pearl giggled, breaking character. once i made sure Scar and Bdubs were out of earshot i turned and whispered to Pearl, 

"Lizzie how did we get here?" "Good, good question, uhh Gem, i dont know whats going on." Lizzie replied, smiling nervously. "The watchers sent us here to find something, we need to find it and 'return it' whatever that means." i say, my nose wrinkling in disgust at the word 'Watchers' "Look Gem," Lizzie sighed "I know you don't like the Watchers, considering you are a celestial being, but you need to co-operate with them, ok?" as she saids this, Scott dropped down from the ceiling. "Hi" he smiled, in his Scottish accent. we were both startled, and jumped back

Pearl POV

"Hi" Scott smiled at us after jumping from the ceiling, and i jumped back in shock "Hi Scott" i said, in my really bad Australian accent "Where did you just come from?" Bdubs yells, bursting in the room. *God cleo has some loud sons* i thought "The roof." he replied, as if it were obvious. "Speaking of which i need to fix that hole later. Now pearl." he looked at me. "You have something of mine. I want my enchanter back." he held out his hand, smiling mischieviously. "I don't have your enchanter Scott." I responded, pretending to look in my inventory. "Very well, if that how you want to do it." he left, bowing at the door and smiling menacingly, "See you around girls..."

(it took me so long to write both of these, but i hope its good enough for 

and their writing competition)

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