Chapter 1

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GREEN. That is the one and only color I can see a the dark spots, hindering my vision, fade away. Panting, I kneel down, positioning my backpack over my right kneel, my trembling fingers fumbling for the cap of my water bottle.

A small smile makes its way on my face; it is such a blessing to see the thing that we depend on for survival in the wilderness. I gulped down sips after sips...untill the choking feeling in my throat buries down. Glancing at my watch: 09:10- two hours since I was climbing the cliff...Pretty long, eh? And still no luck.

I have arrived at the this particular cliff-The Bermuda Cliff-on one research work assigned to me regarding the supernatural and the physiological science. Until now I have not come to acknowledge the presence of any paranormal activity around me, though. "This is gonna be the worst project assigned to m that I haven't been able to accomplish," I say out aloud, "phew!" I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my forehand.

At the eleventh hour, just when I was about to carry on to the highest point of the cliff; my bag starts to move upwards. "What the....?" A Gasp escapes my parted lips. Having no belief in myths and mysteries, I was determined that it was related to the Earth's gravity pull to the utmost centre of the cliff..

Uh...this is quite a small chapter, guys...

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