Back story of Jeonghan.

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"I am Yoon Jeonghan.. and this is me writing my back story for my boyfriend.. since he doesn't know what all had happened."


"Before shifting to my school.. My old school.. was just.. crazy? I don't know how to explain it not gonna lie.. But all i know is it wasn't the best for me.."

"I had a girlfriend.. Who was just with me for the sake of our mutual best friend.. I liked her after our 5 months.. Crazy right? To make things worse.. we were together for 9 months.."

"Because of her.. I fucked up my life, Which wasn't worth it. I still feel so angry thinking about the way she treated me.. It hurts.. a lot."

"But hey.. We broke up finally. Then i shifted to this school.. Which i thought was gonna be a good one.. At that's what i thought.."

"Who the fuck knew i will go through THREE?! FUCKING THREE. HEARTBREAKS?! Its just frustrating and embarrassing to think about it. I won't get into too much detail i will just mention the three exes down"

"1st one: Let's say we were just together for like 12 hours? Its more like he misunderstood the situation.. and till date he tries to point that out and thinks that's a great joke. Like i give a fuck."

"2nd one:  She.. was just amazing.. I loved her a lot. But i wasn't ready.. Why you may ask..? Well after that my first ex did to me.. I kinda lost hope in girls? That's when i knew i was gay.. honestly if i didn't like boys.. I would love to be with her for my entire life but i guess.. That's just not my thing?"

"3rd one: Oh fuck babe... I know you are gonna read this soon.. like tomorrow.. but please don't go kill that guy- So this guy.. he was actually really cute and sweet.. But. ONLY as a best friend he was a great person.. but a boyfriend.. he was a fucking asshole. Like he actually ruined my life.. it wasn't even the end of term one and this kid just decides to ruin everything.. I genuinely loved him.. but he had other plans i guess? If i ever get a chance to beat up someone.. It would be this dude. Piece of shit."

"So.. Yea.. this was all before I met him.. I had to go through so much.. but it was worth it because i met this boy <3"

"Thank you for falling in love with me my bubble.."

"I love you and always will Joshua <3"

"~ Your Hannie"

When Jeonghan was done writing his book, he flopped onto his bed and started thinking about his beloved boyfriend.. Just thinking how fuckin blessed he is to have a boy like him. He is literally everything a girl could ask for in their boyfriend.. But he feels proud because he pulled him~!

He looked at the clock which showed it was almost 3 in the morning. He quickly switched the lights off and slept... with a soft smile on his face.

"I miss you shua... I hope we can finally talk normally..."

Tears rolled down his cheek as he slowly fell asleep.

Jeonghan and Joshua have been together for almost 9 months.. Well they finished 8 months. And they are going through a lot.. 

They were out with their friends.. And finally they had sometime to spend time with each other alone.. They were hugging each other for the last time.. because their exams were close and they wont meet anytime soon. Until someone saw the lovers out. They clicked their picture and reported it to the school.. Which is such a fucked up thing to do... Was this hate crime?.. Or was this just their bad luck..?

Their parents were called sadly.. The school they are in doesn't really support same gender relationships.. For Jeonghan's parents they weren't shocked hearing about them because they supported them.. They were just really disappointed. On the other hand.. Joshua was belted. His parents never supported them. This was their second time being caught.. But this time it was serious.

Those tried to avoid at each other as much as they could... Joshua hid his feelings while Jeonghan couldn't handle himself. He started cutting himself.. Which he promised he wouldn't do it.. but there he is.. cutting himself so much.. only one of them was a deep one. When Joshua found out he really didn't know how to react.. So he started doing it too. 

Pretty fucked up isn't it? While their best friends.. Chan and Seungcheol tried making things better for them.. Those two visited Jeonghan during breaks since the three were in a different section. The next day after all this.. Joshua didn't show up sadly.. Jeonghan had a bad panic attack in the bus ride.. Thankfully Seungcheol and him are in the same bus. The entire day was a huge mess for him.. While Joshua felt extremely helpless..

As the exams were about to get over.. They finally thought of seeing each other. And that's why he wrote this.. To tell Joshua how he means the whole world to him.


The next day.. Before leaving for their buses.. Jeonghan told Chan t o tell Joshua to wait down for him. 

When Jeonghan walked down the stairs..

In front of him.. He saw this boy.. Who has fluffy black hair which he kept fixing, wearing their formal uniform and looking adorable as fuck. Jeonghan's heart started racing like how it did when they first met.. which was a magical feeling. Jeonghan walked towards the other boy and just said.. 


"Hello.." The other boy replied and walked a lil away from him.

Jeonghan just looked at the other two boys standing in front of him.. with tears in his eyes. He just felt.. Good but bad at the same time. It's just all their flashbacks hit him.. They were together and always will be.. but this affected him a lot. 

The only thing he could say was..

"I-I... I saw him.. I s-saw my boy..!"


they walked down the stairs together and before splitting ways.. Joshua looked into Jeonghan's eyes and told him  "I love you".. As they always you used to say bye to each other.. Jeonghan told it back and tried to control himself..

Even though Jeonghan cried.. He was extremely happy.. it was a dream come true.  Both of them texted each other.. Saying how cute both of them looked in each other's eyes.. How Jeonghan got the flashbacks of how they met and first met in real life.. 

&quot;i love and always will..&quot;Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt