Home - Percy Weasley

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The two sat in the small office in their apartment. Cordella sat reading a book on the rocking chair that sat in the corner, while Percy went through his papers on top of the desk.
Sighing, he lifted up the newest letter from his mother. She looked up at Percy upon hearing him. Silently questioning what he was looking at.

"Another letter." He answered, picking up on her expression.

"What's it say?"

"I haven't opened it yet. I don't know if I want to."

"How come?"

"It's probably another letter telling me to go back." He paused, "I don't want to, I've made that clear."

"Why not?"

"You know why, Dell." She sighed at his short tone of voice, opting to go back to reading. This wasn't an argument she was looking forward to having yet again.

She watched as he opened the letter, she knew he would. He always does.

It was silent for a few moments while he read over the letter. He groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"When will she take the hint? I haven't replied to a single letter! She's making it harder for me." He picked up the letter and placed it in a box with the rest of his mother's letters.

"Percy, if it's so hard, then just reach out."

"I can't do that! Not now! I've been pushing them away, it would be foolish to write now."

"You don't always have to be so high and mighty, Percy. It's okay to miss your family."

She stood up and walked over to his desk, standing behind the chair he sat in. "I'm sure she'll be happy to hear from you, to know you're alright."

"Cordella. Stop. You make it just as hard to be distant from them. You left your family, why are you always harping on me about mine?"

"Because you love them, and miss them. And they clearly love and miss you too." Percy stood from the chair and walked to the small window.

"I do miss them. Honestly. I know I never really fit in, but I still loved them." He sighed before turning to face her once again. "I miss looking up to my big brothers. I miss the twins running around like lunatics. I miss playing chess with Ron and reading to Ginny. I miss my moms meals and my dads constant questions about rubber ducks, as annoying as they were." He looked down at his shoes, shaking his head.
"I can't go back though. It would be belittling. Embarrassing."

She shook her head, she was tired of this conversation. He acted like a coward. He was so desperate to be the best, so prideful, but he was only hurting himself and those he loved. She couldn't stand it.

"Percy, they're your family, they love you. It's not embarrassing to admit you made a mistake. Everyone does, and I'm sure with a little time, things could be like they used to."

He shook his head, "No. Everyone will always remember what I did. It's embarrassing, Cordella. I don't need to be the victim of their teasing anymore."

"They'll remember that you built up the courage to admit you were wrong. I think that would mean more than anything."

"You don't know them like I do."

"Percy, I've read your mom's letters. I've heard your stories. They care, wether you want to admit it or not. They do care about you."

"It doesn't matter. They'd be upset with me if I came home anyway, after everything."

"They'd come along, people take time to rebuild trust." He shook his head once again, and continued to complain. And she was sick and tired of it.

He look his family for granted, he was too proud of himself. Too proud to admit he made a mistake, and he was only making things worse by acting this way. And the problem was, he knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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